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Help Your Employees Be Heard

June 28, 2019

Be Heard Day will soon be upon us when the 7th of March rolls around, but before it arrives, it’s important that your employees feel they can be heard. Employees need to be able to speak up about any issues that they are having in the workplace and if they feel that they can’t do so, things need to change.

To help your employees raise their voices and be heard, you could look at team building days to bring them out of their shells and give them a little more confidence. There are plenty of activities that will assist with this but first, you might be wondering why this day is so important.

The History of Be Heard Day

For some time, small businesses have struggled to be heard - a fact which is even truer for small branches of a larger company. 

This was noticed in 2004 by Business and Marketing Strategist Shannon Cherry and she sought to make a change. Her goal was to give businesses knowledge for free, sharing her professional expertise in order to benefit both businesses and their employees. 

However, should it really come to this? We believe that employees should feel able to talk and be heard at any point and as this day was created over ten years ago it could be argued that Cherry's idea is now somewhat dated. 

So, this year, to help your employees be heard you could look at team building days. Not only will they help develop their confidence, but they will also reassure employees that they can come to you with questions, queries or issues on any day. 

The Perfect Activities

Team building is essential in the workplace and is recommended for many reasons. 

However, there are activities specifically designed to help employees develop their confidence by uniting the team and helping to improve key skills like negotiation. One great example of an activity is Trade Winds, which requires teams to accumulate treasure by building relationships with other traders while also gathering vital market information. Another activity ideal for uniting the team is Bridging the Divide, where teams are required to build a bridge that perfectly meets the customer's specifications while using limited resources and very strict timelines.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which activities will best suit your employees but it should be noted that each activity can bring a wide range of benefits to your workplace. So, to improve your employee's confidence for Be Heard Day, why not take a look at team building days? Contact us today.

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