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Exploring the Different Styles of Learning Through Team Building

January 26, 2022

People learn in four different ways – from what they see (visual), what they hear (auditory), what they read (reading/writing) and what they do (kinaesthetic) – and, typically, a person may fall into one of those categories. Crossovers commonly happen, but there will be one dominant style of learning which a person will identify with.

This can create a challenge for our team who aim to deliver a team building session that caters for each of the four learning styles; it is essential that every person attending the event can take something away from it. Equally, our events are designed to demonstrate the strength of having a team of varied individuals all working together to achieve a collective goal.

In this post, we will explore how each of the different learning styles is accommodated in our range of team building events.


Visual learners benefit most from being able to see the subject matter in front of them. Rather than sitting and listening to someone standing in front of a group or reading a book full of text, this type of learner will take more away from seeing a demonstration and/or imagery to accompany an explanation to help visualise a task and/or end goal.

At Team Challenge Company, the large majority of our events incorporate a visual element to appeal to participants. Our Country Pursuits events make for a fantastic experience for visual learners, with the inclusion of aiming at targets such as laser clay pigeons and archery boards. Teams compete against one another in a series of challenges that bring out the competitive side of participants in a fun and engaging environment.


Where some members of the team benefit more from visual aids, others find that they take in more by listening. Boasting a team made up of different learning styles can only be to the strength of the business, but only if the team can blend each of those skills together. Each of our vast array of events is presented by instructors that communicate clearly and efficiently the objectives of each task.

It is important for teams to be able to communicate with each other, and that doesn’t just mean talking to one another, they also need to be able to listen to each other effectively, too. Many of the activities on offer from Team Challenge Company demand that participants listen carefully, as well as possessing high attention to detail, such as those that fall under the Music and Rhythm category.

We suspect this is where auditory learners may excel as they listen to the music and rhythm of the music, whilst also ensuring that the entire team is in time with one another. This may also appeal to kinaesthetic learners (more on this later), but for an auditory learner, this will play to their strengths of being able to actively listen to the instructions of the instructors and the music


As two of the core skills that we learn early on in life and continue to develop throughout the rest of our lives, it’s not hard to see why so many people identify as a reading/writing learner. Such learners commonly delve into analytical detail, pulling out highly relevant pieces of information and using it to create and/or deliver their own analyses. These team members are incredibly important as they often decide on the direction of the team, or indeed the business as a whole.

Being able to understand and decipher what is in front of you is important in business, especially as the world moves towards remote work with members of staff working away from the central office. With a range of interactive games forming part of Team Challenge Company’s offering, participants are able to engage their reading and writing capabilities and develop them effectively.

Project management games such as Chain Reaction call on reading and writing skills, as teams utilise detailed game cards and create a plan.


Kinaesthetic learners are doers - those who learn best on the job. There is a lot of trial and error that comes in to play with kinaesthetic learners, but these participants are highly likely to go away and review their mistakes before altering their approach based on the previous results. This type of learning style can easily be applied to all our products, with those that fall into the kinaesthetic learning category being challenged to take on board information from other learning styles.

One of the types of events that kinaesthetic learners can really thrive in is Music and Rhythm, where participants are encouraged to get stuck in to the activity on hand. Even if they do not play an instrument, the learner can soon adapt and take onboard a process that they can practice and perform – this is one skill that can certainly be taken into the workplace.

Here at Team Challenge Company, we take great care and pride in offering an event that not only challenges all those who participate but also allows for everyone to take something tangible away from the experience. When colleagues possessing a range of skills and learning styles can collaborate effectively and efficiently, it makes for a well-oiled machine that helps the business to grow.

For more information on the team building events we offer and how they can help your team-building efforts, please get in touch with us today via our contact page today.

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