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Competition in the Workplace

July 18, 2023

At its best, competition in the workplace fosters teamwork, boosts productivity, and transforms your employees into committed team players. Yet, it can also potentially become a source of distress and hostility if not managed properly.

Read on for two strategies for integrating competition into the workplace:

Direct competition in the workplace

Characterised by head-to-head rivalry between individuals for rewards such as promotions. While it indeed can stimulate productivity, it might undermine staff morale and motivation. After all, losing in a two-person race or missing out on the top job role can trigger negative feelings, potentially reducing productivity.

However, when the rewards of direct competition are recognition or praise, it tends to have less negative impact on those who don't win. It fosters a sense of accomplishment in winners and nudges non-winners to strive harder for the next challenge.

Cooperative competition

Cooperative competition requires teamwork, fostering strong communication and encouraging each member to contribute towards shared goals. The result? Often, more robust results and an enhanced sense of camaraderie. There's a bonus, too - our brain releases feel-good chemicals when we work as a team, fostering bonding and motivation.

However, cooperative competition does come with its potential pitfalls. For instance, it can lead to exclusive cliques and feelings of isolation among individuals, diminishing overall team spirit.

To navigate this, it is advisable to form balanced teams that take into account diverse skill sets and experiences, ensuring fair play. This strategy allows every member to feel equally valued and represented, promoting a more inclusive team culture.

A well-executed competitive culture in the workplace can mould staff who are keen on pushing boundaries, trusting their instincts, and tackling problems effectively. However, if handled poorly, it can turn into a morale killer and stress-inducer. Weighing up the pros and cons is crucial.

To harness the power of competition in your workplace, consider integrating team building experiences or even organising a corporate team building day with Team Challenge Company. Operating across the UK, we're eager to help you plan the event that could take your team to the next level.

For further information, give us a call on 03300 04 09 03. Experience how a well-designed team building experience can transform competition into a powerful tool in your workplace.

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