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Benefits Of Team Building In The Summer

April 21, 2023

With temperatures rising and the promise of sunny days ahead, now is the perfect time to plan some summer team building activities.

Whether you're based in England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales, summer team building is a great way to bring your team together and improve communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.

Team building is not just about improving performance - it is also a chance for staff to have fun and enjoy the great outdoors. Getting out of the office and into the fresh air can do wonders for morale, helping to reduce stress levels and boost overall wellbeing.

So, why not make the most of the summer and plan a team building experience?


There are a wealth of benefits from undertaking a day of developing your team, here we're going to focus on the most important ones.

Firstly, it will improve your overall performance. Allow your team the opportunity to socialise together. This, as well as working together professionally, will really make a difference to their performance collectively.

It allows for individual strengths and weaknesses to be highlighted. Strengths that might not have been appreciated before can now be utilised for the benefit of the business, and weaknesses can be worked on and improved; ultimately strengthening the team as a whole.

By breaking away from the monotonous everyday routine, creativity will skyrocket, and ideas will be bouncing around - all from taking a step back and gaining a different perspective.

Knowing individual strengths and weaknesses allows a team to build more informed working relationships.

Finally, it is a great way of building team spirit, morale and motivation towards common goals.

Benefits of Sunshine

It is a fact that humans react to sunlight exposure - and lack thereof. Much like plants when the sun is shining, the majority of people are more open and forthcoming, making team building activities much more amenable.

Remember, a happy team is a productive team - so don't let the summer months pass you by without taking the time to invest in your staff. Start planning your summer team building activities today and see the benefits for yourself!

For more information about the experiences we provide throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, please give us a call on 03300 04 09 03.

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