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Theme Options

Here is just a small selection of the theme options we offer, so get in touch to discuss your event, and we can talk you through our most popular options.

Is your team's work life healthy?

Everyone, from entry-level employees to top-tier executives, aspires for balance in their professional lives. After all, a significant portion of our lives revolve around work. Walking Towards Individual and Collective Goals We all have ambitions and milestones we wish to achieve in our careers. While individual objectives guide us, it's essential to remember that in a professional setting, collective success often trumps individual accomplishments. When we talk about a healthy work-life, we're referring not just to personal development and growth but to the cohesion and spirit of the entire team. Sayings like, "Light the candle in your own home before attempting to light someone else's," shouldn't be misconstrued as promoting selfishness. Instead, these nuggets of wisdom emphasise personal growth as the stepping stone to collective success. It's a reminder that we're in a better position to contribute positively to our team when we are first strong ourselves. The Symphony of...

Team Building in Q4

As the fourth quarter approaches, business teams face a critical period. Teams hustle to achieve their annual targets, address end-of-year demands, and plan for the coming year. Amidst these pressures, it can be easy to forget the team's essential human element. In this article, we'll explore the significance of team building in the fourth quarter. Re-energising and Re-focusing the Team As the year moves forward, team morale and energy naturally decline. Fourth-quarter team building activities rejuvenate teams, offering a refreshing break from the daily grind. These experiences aren't just for fun; they actively remind team members of their collective strength and shared objectives. Celebrating Successes Before the year ends, teams must celebrate their achievements, both big and small. Team building experiences serve as perfect platforms to recognise both individual and group successes. Celebrating not only boosts employee self-worth but also strengthens the sensation of belonging to a successful team. Addressing...

 The Old Manse Of Blair

17 Easy Team Building Activities for Remote Employees

While we are all working from home during these uncertain times and have been forced to connect with our colleagues virtually, it's still possible to take advantage of the benefits that team building provides. Even though we cannot chat with the person sitting next to us right now, there are still many ways in which we can replicate that social interaction through well-designed virtual activities. Here at Team Challenge Company, we have compiled a list of some of our favourite easy team building activities for remote employees that do not involve hours of preparation. We hope that these remote team building ideas can inspire you and your team to seek out and try new ways of remaining connected. Whose Desk is That? This first fun team building activity for remote employees involves your team doing nothing more than taking a picture of their workstation and sending it to a nominated event manager. One...

4 Ways to Resolve Conflict in the Workplace

Gone are the days when conflict solutions resulted in extended meetings within the management office. Research such as Belbin team roles has dramatically reduced the time required for conflict resolution. Speaking of Belbin team roles, Belbin gave nine overall team roles that exist in most organisations today. He explains their natures, strengths, weaknesses and everything else that a manager might need to know in order to make the most out of their capabilities. These team roles can be used to effectively resolve and reduce workplace conflicts, and here’s how: Focus on Goals, Not Emotions Emotions are what make humans… well, human, but to be emotional while resolving conflict is not the best way to go. It is important while resolving workplace conflicts, to have the larger picture in mind instead of the minute, emotional details. For example, consider a project in which a “coordinator” and “shaper” are competing to take the lead....

5 Benefits of Team Building Days

Positivity feeds productivity, and, in order for this to happen, all members of your team should be singing from the same hymn sheet. If you feel that morale and/or productivity are stagnant in your workplace, team building days are great for bringing your employees back together again. Dedicating a day, or evening or just an afternoon to bring your team together for fun, yet beneficial, activities can make all the difference in the office. Team building days can help to break the ice between established members of the team and new employees, allowing everyone to shine in their own way. Below, we have listed five of the main benefits that your team will take from working with Team Challenge Company. Master the Art of Networking Networking is important to build your professional circle. When out on a team building event, your team are encouraged to interact with colleagues that they may otherwise not socialise with.  Team building days help...

5 New Year's Resolutions To Better Your Business

As we welcome in the New Year, it's time to start looking ahead to what the upcoming year has to offer and create a set of goals and resolutions that are guaranteed to make your company shine throughout this year. Having spent the last few weeks reflecting on the successes and the not-so-successes of the past year, you are primed to make strategic decisions and hopes for the year to come. In other words, focus on your progress and developments to get started on an effective business plan. Promotion and Planning As we've already mentioned, planning is absolutely essential when working towards building a more successful business. Business planning is a time for you to sit down and reflect on the growth of your business to date, and adapt goals and targets as necessary. Take stock of what has been successful and what hasn't and set aside time every week to review and...

5 Steps to Approachable Body Language

When you work in an office or an industrial environment, it is important that you collaborate and communicate with those around you in instances such as meetings, brainstorms and conferences, communication. However, in the everyday office setting, people can come across as (unintentionally) unapproachable due to poor body language. Here Team Challenge Company explains five approachable body language steps. When we run our team building events, emphasise the importance of communication in teams. Long before verbal communication begins though, teams and individuals need to encourage one another to open the communication channels; this is best done by emanating approachable body language. You and your team need to make a conscious effort to appear approachable, and knowing the best examples of open body language will help you do just that. So read on to see the five steps to approachable body language at work. Make Eye Contact People notice eyes when they look...

A Brief Guide to Corporate Team Building Ideas

Team Challenge Company has been working with businesses and organisations across the UK for over 18 years, offering bespoke, tailored corporate team building solutions. With so much experience under our belts, it's fair to say that we know a good amount about team building, having crafted, designed and ran countless successful events over the years, from outdoor challenges to evening dinners. One of the most important lessons that we have learnt during our time providing team building experiences is that every organisation has unique requirements. The corporate team building ideas that work for your business or team will always differ when compared to another company or department. It’s essential to keep this in mind when you’re organising any form of team building activity, and our brief guide is designed to not only supply you with some great corporate team building ideas but also to help you make a selection that...

A Simple Guide to Psychometric Profiling for Team Leaders

Understanding Psychometric Profiling

Every team is unique because each member brings something different to the table. As a team leader, understanding these differences is the key to unlocking your team's full potential.

What is Psychometric Profiling?

Imagine a toolbox that helps you delve into the unique characteristics of every team member. Psychometric Profiling offers insights into personality traits and can be used to help you form a cohesive and productive team.

Key Psychometric Tools Explained

At Team Challenge Company, behind the scenes, our trained facilitators include experts in Tuckman’s model of team building, Belbin team roles, and many more team development theories. Wherever you are in your cycle of growth, we are here to support your team development. Find out more about our outcome focused team building experiences or contact us today.

A.G. Barr


Aberdeen Football Club, Pittodrie Stadium

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Aker Solutions - Fun Casino Night Aberdeen

On arrival to the Aker Solutions Fun Casino Night the 100 strong guests walked up the red carpet and were greeted with a welcome cocktail served by two beautiful Casino Show Girls.  The night couldn't begin however until Lucy unvailed Daniel Craig and it wasn't a disappointment to the onlookers.With the room fabulously decorated and the mood lighting set to warm amber glow the gambling began.  There was a lot of choice at this wonderful casino-themed evening, you could choose from Blackjack, Roulette and Texas Hold'em.  During the evening the Show Girls were selling raffle tickets to raise even more money for charity and with brilliant prizes to give away it was an easy sell.The early loser of the evening was Kevin (King Kev) however he bounced back on the Blackjack table and accumulated over £800 in a few hands, it was short lived though and he continued his YoYo gambling throughout the...


Are Human Beings Really Social Creatures?

Whatever research you come across, it is the consensus view that human beings are social creatures. From an early age, right through to adulthood, our dependency on our friends and community is evident. Even in the workplace, we crave and cultivate social interaction through various team building activities and social gatherings. In fact, interaction with others is such a significant part of human life that the physically isolated act of computing has become social-centric, with a number of social media networks sitting at the centre of modern culture and psyches. Are we really as social as we think though? And if so, how did we get that way? Well, according to various sources, evolution plays a big part. As ancient primates, we roamed the planet solo, in pairs, or - at the most - in small clusters. Small groups that were originally created for survival turned into families, and families eventually turned...

Are You Brave Enough to Take Part in Boss/Employee Exchange Day?

In your office is there a noticeable divide between management and staff? If so, then you are the same as most other businesses in the country. However, wouldn’t it be good for each side to walk a mile in the other’s shoes? This is precisely what Boss/Employee Exchange Day sets out to do. It has the potential to be the mother of all team building days, as management and staff can experience, first hand, what each team does on a day-to-day basis and better respect the contribution that everyone makes to the business. What Happens on Boss/Employee Exchange Day? Quite simply, this is the day when roles are switched – management answer the phones, greet customers and even make the drinks while members of staff go about managerial duties. The day falls on Monday 10th September, meaning that your team can kick off the week with a day that is sure to...

Are you Building The Right Team?

Choosing the right group of people is imperative for business success. Knowing how to choose the right candidates is just as important as choosing the right interviewer and asking the right questions. Although people leaving for new opportunities is a common part of running a business, outstanding tasks and increasing stress levels indicate the need to add new team members. When looking for the right person for the job, it's not always about finding the most experienced candidate. Personality, drive, and ambition are also important factors. Top Tips Knowing how to choose the right person for your team might seem like a challenge, but the real test is ensuring they stick around. How can you create a culture that cultivates staff and has no issue with retention? Salary isn't everything; people should want to work for you, but feel they are treated fairly and rewarded accordingly. Regular team building events, individual...


Armathwaite Hall Hotel

Arora International Hotel Crawley

Arundel House Hotel

Ascot Racecourse

Assembly Rooms

Avenger: The A Team

Think of one team that is a model for all others; one team that, against the odds, manages to stick together, overcome all obstacles, and succeed. What team comes to mind? The Avengers! You might not have realised that Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D are the epitome of teamwork, but if you look at just a handful of the team members, and how they interact with one another, you'll understand. So read on to see which Avengers play what role in the team, and why your team should aspire to be the same. Captain America - Team Leader (Mr. Motivator) Captain America is the all-round do-gooder, making sure the job gets done properly and that the team is ready and raring to go. By name and by nature, he is the team leader, steering the Avengers in the right direction and ensuring they embrace their skills or put their differences aside for...

Avoid April Showers with Our Indoor Activities

In Britain, it is safe to say that you can never guarantee the weather – no matter whether its spring or summer. Luckily, at Team Challenge Company, we have an extensive catalogue of experiences that can be enjoyed both inside and outside. Come rain or shine, we will ensure that your event takes place without a hitch. All our indoor activities help to develop team building skills and challenge your team in a fun way. Check out some of our suggested team building experiences for your team to enjoy this spring: Pressure Zone Pressure Zone is designed to test your team's skills and agility under pressure. It is a fun and engaging way to boost morale. Participants compete against each other in a series of apparently simple but surprisingly challenging activities. Need 4 Speed Leadership, resource sharing and time management are the key skills developed in the fast-paced tabletop experience...

Balbirnie House

Ballathie House Hotel

Banish Bad Weather Blues with Indoor Team Building Activities

Planning your company’s next team building event is a fun and exciting time – you’ve got everything organised, from the venue to the activity to the participants, and you’re all good to go. So when the heavens open and the great British weather decides to spoil the party, this can understandably put a bit of a downer on the occasion. As the weather can be so unpredictable at this time of year, you should always make sure to keep a contingency plan in mind, just in case. Indoor team building activities are the perfect way to ensure that your next corporate event can go ahead as planned, no matter what the weather chooses to do on the day! Try Something Different Granted, indoor team building activities may not be the first thing to come to mind when you’re busy planning the ideal team building day. Traditional outdoor activities and events like trust exercises, classic...

Be the leader your team needs

An effective leader is not just someone with authority, but someone who earns the respect and trust of their team. True leadership energises, listens to challenges, and empowers individuals to grow into the best versions of themselves. At Team Challenge Company, we believe leadership is a skill that anyone can develop with the right mindset and approach. With a few handy insights, we hope to inspire you to start thinking about the way you manage your people and identify areas for improvements. Foster a Positive Culture The mood of a team often mirrors that of its leader. A single negative influence can impact the atmosphere, and it's up to you to set the tone. Inspire a Growth Mindset While your team should feel confident in seeking your guidance, they should also have the independence to work towards shared goals. Offer Constructive Feedback, Not Criticism Feedback is crucial, but too much criticism can...

Beech Hill Country House Hotel

Belbin's Roles: The Plant

Working in a team can be difficult at times. Whether it is conflict or a lack of communication that is the problem, it is important to tackle these challenges head-on. In saying this, prevention is always better than a cure, so if you think problems will soon arise, put your best foot forward and resolve them before they worsen with a little help from Team Challenge Company A few common tell-tale signs that there may be a problem in your team include continuous conflict between two or more workers and a serious lack of motivation on behalf of several team members. If you are struggling to identify the cause of issues within the team, it may simply be a lack of understanding. Recognising everyone's roles within the team is so important to the success of your business, as is respect for the work carried out by your employees. The Plant...

Belfast Castle

Benefits Of Team Building In The Summer

With temperatures rising and the promise of sunny days ahead, now is the perfect time to plan some summer team building activities. Whether you're based in England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales, summer team building is a great way to bring your team together and improve communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. Team building is not just about improving performance - it is also a chance for staff to have fun and enjoy the great outdoors. Getting out of the office and into the fresh air can do wonders for morale, helping to reduce stress levels and boost overall wellbeing. So, why not make the most of the summer and plan a team building experience? TEAM BUILDING BENEFITS There are a wealth of benefits from undertaking a day of developing your team, here we're going to focus on the most important ones. Firstly, it will improve your overall performance. Allow your team...

Best Western Chilworth Manor Hotel

Best Western Plus Angel Hotel

Best Western Plus Magnolia Park Hotel, Golf and Country Club

Big Screen Games

Stretch those reaction speeds and get ready to take part in our Big Screen Sporting Contest. Test your skills on the Target Golf, hit a home run in the Baseball or why not limber up for an Olympic Challenge and take your marks in the 100m Sprint - maybe even try your luck in the Hammer contest.

Billesley Manor Hotel


Birmingham Marriott Hotel

Blenheim Palace Oxford

Blossoms Hotel

Boost Morale Post-Summer Holidays

As summer winds down and teams return from their breaks, businesses are prioritising team building to boost workplace morale and kickstart a productive year-end. Why Team Building Matters Team building experiences are more than just time away from the desk. They can actively nurture bonds and boost workplace morale. Research consistently shows that feeling valued as an integral member of a cohesive team often drives enhanced productivity. This applies whether teams are working on specific projects or aiming for broader departmental goals. Furthermore, effective communication and strong work relationships not only amplify job satisfaction but also fortify an individual's commitment to their role and the broader company vision. Indeed, a workplace teeming with enthusiastic, engaged, and content employees exudes a palpable positivity. This contagious atmosphere encourages unwavering dedication and paves the way for success. Therefore, investing in team building clearly yields immense returns. Experiential Learning At Team Challenge Company, we...

Bovey Castle

Bowburn Hall Hotel

Bowood Hotel

Brand New Experiences

Breaking Down Silos in the Workplace

Silos in the workplace often appear as isolated teams and departments. They come in various forms, such as departmental divisions, conflicting priorities, or limited cross-functional communication. These organisational silos significantly hinder effective collaboration. Moreover, they stifle workplace creativity and disrupt information flow across teams. Consequently, this disruption usually results in reduced efficiency and missed opportunities. Ultimately leading to a noticeable decline in organisational performance. In a recent episode of the Team Builders Podcast, titled 'Breaking Down Silos,' our co-directors Jonathan Hazley, Gerry Crowley, and Stephen Hazley shared critical insights on why organisations must address these barriers head-on. They discussed real-life success stories where companies have effectively dissolved silos, enhancing team collaboration. Strategies to Break Down Workplace Silos At Team Challenge Company, we champion three key strategies to break down silos and build a collaborative workplace culture: Foster Open Communication: Actively encourage transparent and open communication channels across departments. By facilitating...

Bredbury Hall Hotel

Bringing Employees Out of their Comfort Zone

Have you ever imagined your workforce as a fully-fledged orchestra or a dramatic and exciting percussion band? Maybe you are pondering the fact that Steve in Accounts might not even know what a violin is or that Jill in HR wouldn’t know a musical drumstick from a chicken drumstick! If you want an experience that is not only guaranteed to have your employees learning something new and improving their adaption skills but will also bring plenty of fun to the team, consider one of our music and rhythm activities for this year’s corporate Christmas event. Not many people out there don’t love music. Whether it’s classical, world, rap, rock or R'n'B, people listen to music on their commutes, on holiday or just at home to relax. In fact, almost a quarter of 1,018 UK adults interviewed by the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education named learning to play a musical...

Brodie Castle

BT Murrayfield

Buxted Park Hotel

Cambridge Bar Hill Hotel, BW Signature Collection


Captains Club Hotel

Careys Manor Hotel & Spa

Carlowrie Castle

Carrick Castle Estate & Lodge

Case Studies

Castle Fraser

Catalyst Global

Catalyst Global Partnership

CCG Construction Corporate Fun Day

The fantastic Hamilton Park Racecourse played host to another wonderful Summer BBQ Fun Day for our guests at CCG Construction, with this year’s activities and entertainment bigger and better than ever before, ensuring a really memorable day for all who attended. There was certainly a sense of eager anticipation as our guests began to arrive around midday, and they were not to be disappointed as they looked out on a sea of amazing Corporate Fun Day activities to enjoy – it was clear from the start that this was to be an exciting and fun-filled afternoon for all. From our Giant Candy Slide to the Human Demolition inflatables, and from our Circus Workshop Arena through to our ever-popular 4-bed Bungee Trampolines, there really was something for everybody and our guests wasted no time in playing on all that lay in front of them. The Pedal Buggy Race Track proved enormously popular throughout the...

Celtic Manor Resort

Chain Reaction: Tabletop - Moodboard

Change and Growth

Chatsworth Estate

Choosing a Christmas Corporate Event Theme

With summer well and truly behind us and the faint jingle of sleigh bells creeping up on us, it's time to think about your Christmas corporate event and how you’d like to treat your hard-working employees at this year. There’s plenty to consider when trying to book a Christmas party - where you are going to go, will it be an overnight stay, what will your employees eat and what sort of entertainment you want to include. Whether you book a scheduled Christmas party night at a nearby venue or you put together your own night of entertainment, there are plenty of options to choose from. If time is tight or you are struggling for inspiration, why not take the stress out of the occasion and let Team Challenge Company plan the event from start to finish? We can provide everything from a venue finding service to catering and entertainment...

Christmas Corporate Event Planning Tips

The festive season is a wonderful time of the year to bring your team together and celebrate the successes and accomplishments of the past year. Here are ten top tips to help you plan the perfect festive event that will leave a lasting impression on your team: Christmas Party Planning: Ten Top Tips Start planning early Begin planning well in advance to ensure you have ample time to organise and book necessary services, which are often in high demand during the festive season. Set Clear Goals Before diving into the process, establish clear objectives for your event. Whether it's to boost team morale, show appreciation for your employees, or build relationships, defining your goals will guide your decision-making process and help you create a meaningful and purposeful event. Budget Wisely Budgeting is a critical aspect of event planning. Determine your available resources and allocate funds for various aspects such as...

Christmas Team Building


Watch out for our tricky Clown throughout the day, as he juggles, spins plates, and makes up balloon models of your choice. Learn from the master himself in our Clown Workshops and you can join in the fun too!


Colour Code Analysis

Colour Code Analysis is one of the simplest yet most effective ways of developing a team through understanding individual personalities. Not only do you identify your own 'colour' but also that of your team members, allowing for the practise of realisation, reaction and response as you learn how you should treat other people with whom you interact on a daily basis in a working environment. Through acting upon simple steps you can develop yourself and your team as a specific unit who understand each other's needs in the workplace and have the skills to provide for them. The process involves the identification of individual colours of the four distinct personality profiles. Once you have identified the colour of a colleague you will undergo a process of realisation as you understand what their colour means about their personality and can assess their likely behaviour as a result of knowing their specific...

Combe Grove Hotel

Competition in the Workplace

At its best, competition in the workplace fosters teamwork, boosts productivity, and transforms your employees into committed team players. Yet, it can also potentially become a source of distress and hostility if not managed properly. Read on for two strategies for integrating competition into the workplace: Direct competition in the workplace Characterised by head-to-head rivalry between individuals for rewards such as promotions. While it indeed can stimulate productivity, it might undermine staff morale and motivation. After all, losing in a two-person race or missing out on the top job role can trigger negative feelings, potentially reducing productivity. However, when the rewards of direct competition are recognition or praise, it tends to have less negative impact on those who don't win. It fosters a sense of accomplishment in winners and nudges non-winners to strive harder for the next challenge. Cooperative competition Cooperative competition requires teamwork, fostering strong communication and encouraging each...

Conquering Common Team Building Fears

Team building activities have long been recognised as a vital tool for enhancing collaboration, boosting morale, and increasing productivity within organisations. However, leaders should be aware that not all team members approach these activities with the same level of enthusiasm. Some individuals may feel nervous, apprehensive, or uncertain. In this article, we will explore how leaders can actively support their teams in overcoming common fears ahead of team building activities. Step 1: Communicate the Purpose and Benefits One of the fundamental steps in helping team members overcome their fears related to team building is to communicate the purpose and expected benefits of these activities. Leaders should explain the reasons behind team building and how it can significantly improve essential skills such as problem-solving, communication, and teamwork. Step 2: Foster a Safe and Inclusive Environment Creating a safe and inclusive environment for team building activities is a crucial. Leaders should ensure...

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Coombe Abbey Hotel

Copthorne Hotel Effingham Gatwick

Copthorne Hotel Manchester

Copthorne Hotel Newcastle

Corporate Entertainment With Embrace Group

It was a typically Scottish afternoon at Melville Castle for the Embrace Group away day. The group were experiencing one of our Country Pursuits events, with mixed results across the various challenges we set them in their pursuit of the Team Challenge Company trophy. First up for the teams was the Archery. Following a practice session and some coaching from our instructors it was time to get down to the business of the competition. With Paction and the Last Leg team playing their jokers it was important to get off to a good start, and after the first round they occupied 1st and 2nd places.  That wasn’t the end of it though, and in a result that was to set the tone for the day The Village People managed to pop all their balloons in Round 2, and then got nearest to the bull in Round 3 to take the overall victory, with Jean...

Corporate Fun Days

Corporate Fun Days to Blow Away the Winter Blues

It can be difficult to get back into the working mindset after the holidays and it might even feel as though you’ve not seen your colleagues for months, even though most of us only had one week off. Corporate fun days could be the solution to all your problems - get back in the swing of things by booking a corporate fun day. The New Year might be a manic time for your business and staff will need to work hard to reach their goals but it's still important to make time for a corporate fun day. There are various places to go and many different activities to do, so increase productivity, build trust and boost morale by taking part in team activities. Fun Day Activities Getting out of the office is guaranteed to make team building successful, and if new employees are starting it’s also a great way to break the ice. There...

Coventry Transport Museum

Crathes Castle


Cringletie House

Crossbasket Castle

Crowne Plaza Edinburgh - Royal Terrace

Crowne Plaza Marlow

CSR focused Team Building

Our team building experiences, focused on corporate social responsibility (CSR), accomplish exactly that! We have designed them to promote team relationships while giving your staff the chance to do some good and give back to charitable organizations of their choice. Currently, you can book two CSR experiences that involve giving back to the community/charity. Both experiences can be organized anywhere in the UK. Toy Factory Nurture creativity and compassion in your teams with Toy Factory. Teams receive wooden parts, blueprints, and craft high-quality children's toys. Once the toys have passed quality checks, it’s time to get creative! Teams will get to craft toys in your organisation’s colours. And the best bit; all toys and extra materials from your Toy Factory team building session are donated to a school or children’s charity of your choice! Go Team – Go Give Combine the excitement of a city treasure hunt with support for meaningful causes....

Culloden House Hotel

Culzean Castle

Dakota Edinburgh

Dalhousie Castle

Dalmahoy Hotel & Country Club

Danone UK


Now is your chance to hit the perfect 180 score with your very own dart board, perfect for freestyle Corporate Fun Day entertainment.

De Vere Slaley Hall Hotel

Derwent Manor Hotel

Does my Business need Team Building Activities?

Whether you think your business and team of employees are just fine as they are, chances are you could still benefit from team building activities. Even market-leading companies that are highly experienced in their industries could benefit due to the ever-evolving nature of the workforce. Put simply, to the above question there is only one answer: yes. Why? Because communication is essential and, sometimes, wires get crossed, and mistakes happen. This can lead to conflict and issues with trust bubbling beneath the surface that need to be addressed for the benefit of the entire business. Not only will team building activities help ease tension, but there are so many other benefits to be gained that many business experts believe it should be incorporated into overall strategies and personnel development time. PLUS POINTS RESOLVING ISSUES When conflict arises in the workplace, it can be tough to resolve. Personality clashes are going to happen, but sometimes this...

Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Dundee

DoubleTree by Hilton Glasgow Westerwood Spa & Golf Resort

DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Coventry

Dunchurch Park Hotel

Dundas Castle

Dunkeld House Hotel

Dynamic Earth

Edinburgh Corn Exchange

Employee Growth and Development Ideas

As a business, it is only natural that you want to invest your resources in the development of your members of staff. After all, their success is your success and as they grow, so too does your business and its results. Unfortunately, many businesses, big and small, neglect putting employee development ideas into practice which ultimately results in losing talented members of staff. Not only does this cost the company money as you search for a replacement, but there is a good chance that it is your competitors that will be the beneficiaries of this staff member's departure. Putting it simply, if you are not willing to invest in your employees’ growth and development, someone else will, which is why it is so important for the future of the business. Offer Training Courses Your members of staff want to be the very best that they can be, both professionally and personally. As...

Encouraging Team Relationships Through Health & Wellbeing

Whether you run a large company or a SME, if you have employees working for you, you are bound to know how important internal team relationships can be when it comes to positivity, productivity and success. For this reason, employing a team of individuals who can bond with each other can be beneficial for the company - particularly when it comes to corporate event management. One of the best ways to encourage friendly relationships between employees is to create a happy and positive environment. More smiles, more laughter, more good feelings, and as a result, stronger internal relations. Research has shown that both smiling and being health conscious can boost the release of "happy hormones" that make our brains feel good. Upon release of these hormones, our body can block discomfort and relieve feelings and thoughts of stress. Similarly, it is a great way to help us create and maintain positive relationships with...



Etihad Stadium - Manchester City Football Club

Eton College Dorney Lake

Eureka Solutions

Evening Entertainment With Cineworld - Indoor Team Building Activities

On Monday the 5th of September 2016, Team Challenge Company had the absolute pleasure of entertaining Cineworld Cinemas with one of our highly competitive ‘Pressure Zone’ events. The guests arrived at the fantastic Pennyhill Park, Balmoral Suite, where they were met by our team accompanied by an assortment of drinks. The guests were then split into two teams in order to go head to head in the aim of winning the prestigious Team Challenge Company Trophy! The two teams competed for head to head in a variety of skill-based games within the pressure zone arena… Everything is harder in the pressure zone arena! Some of the games which the teams really enjoyed included swap box, a skill-based game in which the teams had to swap coloured balls between different coloured containers which required both speed and mental accuracy to complete effectively. Another included Splash where the teams needed a steady...

Event Blogs

Everglades Hotel

Exploring learning styles through team building

Everyone learns differently. Some learn by seeing. Others by listening. Some love a good list. Others need to get stuck in and give it a go. These learning styles e.g. visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinaesthetic are part of how people take in information and work best. At Team Challenge Company, we design events that tap into every style. So no matter how your team learns, everyone leaves with something valuable. Visual Learners These are your 'show me, don’t tell me' people. They understand best when they can see the task, the goal or the full picture. Events like Country Pursuits hit the mark. They’re hands-on but heavily visual. Targets. Movement. High impact. These activities keep visual learners engaged from the get-go. They see the plan. They see the progress. They see the win. Auditory Learners Auditory learners pick up information by hearing it. They’re switched on in briefings, tuned in...

Exploring the Benefits of Problem-Solving in Team Building

Business team building can bring a wide range of benefits to employers and employees alike, promoting the development and refinement of existing skills while identifying strengths and weaknesses among members of the team.  Valuable learning outcomes are key when it comes to team bonding, and here at Team Challenge Company, we are fully committed to helping you reach your professional goals. Each of our team building activities has been designed with specific learning outcomes in mind, in order to bring the maximum benefit to you and your team. As a team building company, we have extensive experience in the industry, leveraging this knowledge to enable us to continue developing exciting, beneficial business team building events.  One core skill that many of our team building activities focus on is problem-solving. This is a vital, transferable skill that can prove to be highly useful in a wide variety of situations, in both...

Eynsham Hall Oxford

F1 Racecar Simulator

Feel the Need for Speed as you step inside our F1 Cockpit Simulator and take to the Virtual Track of you chosen Race Track, finding the best racing line possible in a bid to take top score and clock the fastest lap!

Face Painting

From being a beautiful butterfly, fairy or cartoon princess to scary monsters and movie favourites, a Corporate Fun Day would not be the same without the classic Face Painting.

Fairmont St Andrews Hotel

Falcon Hotel

Fasque House

Fife Housing Group

Fire Performers

Five ways to boost teamwork

The ability to work well together is vital to the success of any team. Effective communication, the willingness to resolve conflict and to collaborate to find the answers to problems are all signs of good teamwork.  Here, we explain some of the top considerations for bringing your team together for the benefit of the whole organisation.  Collaboration and Engagement Allocating Ownership and Responsibility Resolving Conflict Development Opportunities Team building experiences If your people lack team spirit, team building experiences that bring people together can be an excellent way to break down barriers and develop new relationships, not to mention boosting morale and improving team satisfaction.   Tell us the outcome you want to achieve – from increasing creativity to improving communication or leadership – and we will create a bespoke experience for your team.  Want to see how it all works? See what our clients said about their own team development experiences.   For more information, please contact our team to...

Fonab Castle

Fun and Social

Fun Quiz Round Ideas

Everyone loves a quiz! Whether it’s a Monday night pub quiz or a sizeable quiz to round up the year, we enjoy getting a chance to flex our general (and sometimes completely useless!) knowledge skills, especially when the chance to boast about being part of the winning team is on offer. If you’re considering putting together a quiz or want some inspiration for fun quiz round ideas, we’ve put together a fantastic collection of some of the best quiz rounds we’ve come across to help you get started. Picture Rounds Typically, a picture round will consist of a 'Name that X' game. Whether 'X' is a person, place, logo, brand or anything else, these types of rounds always go down a treat and make a good opener for your quiz to get teams warmed up. To deviate from the norm, think outside the box with your picture round and instead,...

Fyvie Castle


Gamifying Your Remote Team Building

Businesses have now been working remotely for a few years due to the pandemic and many teams have found that the benefits often far outweigh the negatives. While managers were initially concerned as to how their teams would remain productive at the start, by and large, businesses have realised that there is another way of operating that doesn’t involve everyone being in the office 100% of the time. Many businesses have already made clear their intention not to return to the old normal of everyone being in the office, offering staff the opportunity to work remotely and only come into the office on selected days when absolutely necessary. However, this does mean there is the need for finding new and inventive ways of team building. Many businesses have been making use of online team building games as they contend with working from home so that colleagues still can relax and...

Get Creative for International Ideas Month

In the workplace, creativity and innovation are at the forefront of success. New ideas have the potential to refresh your business and provide new motivation for employees struggling to stay driven and focused on the task at hand. However, good ideas don’t always come easily. Team building days are one of the best ways to encourage those ideas to flow, as well as providing a whole host of additional benefits to your team as a whole. But what is International Ideas Month all about? March marks International Ideas Month, an occasion designed to celebrate the importance of ideas. It may sound simple, but ideas are actually incredibly important and vital additions to both society and our individual lives.  Without ideas, it would be impossible to move forward and make progress, find alternative ways of doing things, and improve our lives for the better. Sometimes, even the smallest of ideas can...

Get to Grips with Psychometric Profiling

If you find your team lacking motivation and struggling to succeed in the workplace, it could be that you need to identify their individual strengths and weaknesses in order to optimise productivity. Team building events that use Psychometric Profiling can be really useful when it comes to this, enabling you to get the most out of your employees. Psychometric Profiling is a method of team development which allows people to identify specific personality traits that are useful in the workplace. Team building events with psychometric profiling can be vital in helping you to reach a personal understanding of your personality and job role. In turn, this enables both you and your team to be able to identify strengths and weaknesses and adapt the structure of your team accordingly. Belbin Team Roles Belbin Team Roles is a way of measuring behaviour and identifying behavioural strengths in the workplace, based on the belief that...

Gilmerton House

Glamis Castle

Glenbervie House Hotel

Gleneagles Hotel

Global Festival Game: Live - Moodboard

Global Innovation Game: Digital - Moodboard

Global Innovation Game: Live - Moodboard

Go Digital with Easter Team Building Events

Winter is finally over and it looks like spring is here to stay - hooray! We all know what that means – Easter is just around the corner! Easter is traditionally a time for chocolate eggs, bunnies, spring time and family fun, but that doesn’t mean the entertainment should stop at the door of the office. Embrace the excitement of the season and allow the Easter spirit into your workplace. The weather at this time of year can be unpredictable at best, so if you don’t want to take your chances with the great British weather, you can always plan some digitally enhanced team building activities instead this spring. Organise a Tech-Based Easter Egg Hunt Since it is Easter, what better activity to organise than an Easter egg hunt? You may think that Easter egg hunts are an activity specifically reserved for children, but there is no reason why you can’t make the most...

Golf View Hotel & Spa

Gordon Castle

GPS Interactive Treasure Hunt - Moodboard

Green Hotel

Greywalls Hotel & Chez Roux

Grovefield House Hotel

Hamilton Park Racecourse

Hampden Stadium

Harnessing the Power of Your Team

Your team is the greatest asset that your business has. Without a diverse, motivated and driven team, the overall productivity of your company is likely to be seriously affected. That’s why it is so important to ascertain that you have the right team behind you at all times to ensure your business is successful. One of the best ways to be sure that you are utilising your team members to their full advantage is to use team building events to fully harness the power of your workforce. After all, if your employees aren’t motivated, then chances are they aren’t working to their full potential. Motivation and productivity go hand in hand, and as the team leader, it is your job to make sure that goals are being met, targets are being achieved, and new ideas are constantly being generated. Choose Team Building Events to Increase Motivation If your personnel are in...

Hastings Ballygally Castle

Hastings Culloden Estate and Spa Belfast

Hastings Europa Hotel Belfast

Hastings Stormont Hotel

Hazlewood Castle

HD Golf Simulator

Our state of the art HD Golf Simulator uses high speed camera technology to deliver an incredibly realistic indoor golf experience.

Hellaby Hall Hotel

Help Your Employees Be Heard

Be Heard Day will soon be upon us when the 7th of March rolls around, but before it arrives, it’s important that your employees feel they can be heard. Employees need to be able to speak up about any issues that they are having in the workplace and if they feel that they can’t do so, things need to change. To help your employees raise their voices and be heard, you could look at team building days to bring them out of their shells and give them a little more confidence. There are plenty of activities that will assist with this but first, you might be wondering why this day is so important. The History of Be Heard Day For some time, small businesses have struggled to be heard - a fact which is even truer for small branches of a larger company.  This was noticed in 2004 by Business...

Hill of Tarvit

Hilton Belfast

Hilton Belfast Templepatrick

Hilton Edinburgh Airport

Hoar Cross Hall Spa Resort


Hopetoun House

Hotel Colessio

Hotel Du Vin

Hotel Felix

How Can Team Building Activities Improve Communication?

When people think about team building days they may not consider all of the benefits that these activities can bring. Not only do they help to improve key skills, they can also be fun and enjoyable events.  However, what many people may not know is that team building can dramatically improve communication between both employees and clients or customers. Communication is important in any business, whether its in-house or with customers, which is why it’s something that we think employees should work on. If you need some help improving communication in your workplace, here are some ideas to get you started. In-House The most important reason to improve communication skills in your business is to help it run in a smoother and more efficient way. Rather than working alone, everyone should be clued up and aware of what is going on. Not only will this help the office to run...

How Can Team Building Activities Improve Communication?

When people think about team building days they may not consider all of the benefits that these activities can bring. Not only do they help to improve key skills, but they can also be fun and enjoyable events.  However, what many people may not know is that team building can dramatically improve communication between both employees and clients or customers. Communication is important in any business, whether it's in-house or with customers. Which is why it’s something that we think employees should work on. If you need some help improving communication in your workplace, here are some ideas to get you started. In-House The most important reason to improve communication skills in your business is to help it run in a smoother and more efficient way. Rather than working alone, everyone should be clued up and aware of what is going on. Not only will this help the office to...

How Can Team Building Boost Employee Wellbeing?

Employee wellbeing is fast becoming an increasingly relevant topic in the modern working environment. As greater importance is placed on wellness, greater pressure is placed on employers in turn. Today’s employers are required to consider the mental health and wellbeing of their employees, making reasonable adjustments as necessary in order to support their team.  One way in which employers are choosing to boost the wellbeing of their employees is through team building. UK-based Team Challenge Company has a wide range of team building products and services that are well-suited to this purpose, and we are dedicated to helping businesses place a greater focus on the importance of wellness and wellbeing in the workplace. Why Focus on Wellbeing? Ultimately, every employer wants – and needs – a productive team. Motivated, diligent individuals are key to the success of the team as a whole, working together efficiently in order to reach business goals...

How Competitive is Your Team?

Being overly competitive is often seen as a negative thing – a trait to be avoided. However, a little bit of friendly competition can actually go a long way towards improving the overall mood and atmosphere of the workplace. Competitiveness, when kept under control, can encourage colleagues to meet their targets and work towards achieving goals together, as a team. If you are finding that your team seems to be lacking that competitive spirit, team building dayscan help you raise the stakes and work towards improving the motivation of your team. The Advantages of Competitiveness in the Workplace Competition at work can bring a major boost to levels of productivity. Friendly competition can encourage employees to work just that little bit faster, motivating them to reach goals and targets before their colleagues. Friendly competition can also allow employees to push each other past their usual limits, helping them to achieve their goals both...

How Competitive is Your Team?

By engaging in competitive team building activities, you provide an opportunity for your team members to challenge themselves and each other. These activities are not just about winning; they're about learning and growing together. Is your team lacking motivation or a competitive edge? Team Challenge Company's team building experiences are a great way to boost morale among colleagues. Unleash Potential with Competitive Team Building Activities When harnessed effectively, a healthy sense of competition in the workplace can motivate teams to achieve their objectives and work together to overcome obstacles. This dynamic can greatly enhance productivity, motivating individuals to complete tasks efficiently and surpass their peers in meeting targets. While it is true that certain individuals may have a stronger drive to compete, it is important not to overlook the value of competition for everyone. Team Challenge Company encourages the use of friendly competition to motivate even the most introverted team...

How Do Learning Outcomes Translate into Business Growth?

Each and every one of the team building events hosted by Team Challenge Company comes with its own range of intended learning outcomes, designed to help develop everyone that participates. As well as working to improve the overall morale within a department through team building, the intention is for these specific learning outcomes to help develop your team into a well-oiled and efficient machine that easily translates into growth for your business.. Depending on the skills that you wish to develop within your team, there are a wide range of events and activities that can help. For example, if you want to bring out the creative side in your employees, you may organise a morning or afternoon on our Puppet Masters event, or if you are keen to unearth the next leaders in your business, the Beat the Box challenge will allow those with natural leadership skills to flourish.  As...

How Much Time Should a Manager Spend Developing Employees?

As the leader of a team, your number one responsibility is to ensure that targets are being met and it is up to you how you go about doing that. Long-term productivity rests on your ability to develop your employees, bringing the best out of them to the benefit of the company. The question is, though, how much time should you spend with each of your members of staff? Where is the middle ground between micromanaging and coming across as though you are disinterested? It’s a difficult balancing act that can easily take up more of your time than attending to paperwork that lands on your desk (or emails in your inbox, as is more likely in today’s digital world). Dedicate Six Hours a Week to Each Employee According to a study, it is claimed that team leaders should be willing to dedicate six hours of their working week to each...

How Team Challenge Company Can Help with Team Wellness

The past year has, without a doubt, been one of the most difficult times both professionally and privately as the effects of enforced lockdown restrictions have taken their toll on the mental wellbeing of the country, as well as the economy. While many teams have got used to working from home and not seeing their colleagues during the day barring the occasional Zoom call, many others have not been so fortuitous to have the option to continue working – either being placed on furlough or losing their employment altogether. One thing is for certain and that is the pandemic has not been kind to anyone, with everyone suffering in one way or another. For businesses that are fighting to ride out the storm, it is essential that they can maintain a happy and healthy workforce who can continue to deliver results. When employees are struggling, either professionally or personally, this...

How to Assess Staff Training Needs

Continually assessing staff training needs is critical for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of any workplace. To be successful, organisations must assess staff training needs, implementing changes to improve limitations while recognising and celebrating staff for their achievements. Addressing Organisational Weaknesses by Assessing Training Needs More often than not, organisational weaknesses can be attributed to a gap in skills, knowledge and abilities. Meaning the first step to addressing failings is to identify your organisation’s training needs, both current and future. In addition to assessing the situation today, it is essential that you anticipate any changes that might be coming up (e.g. maternity leave, promotions, etc.) to allow you to plan effectively and give the right staff the right training. Identifying Your Organisation's Training Needs Start your process at the top and work your way down. Evaluate the organisation overall to get a sense of where to focus your efforts to...

How to Build Culture in a Remote Team

As much as 60% of the British workforce is now working from home because of the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing organisations to reevaluate their entire business model and practices. While some may be used to remote work, for many more, this will have been their first time of working from home. There's no doubt that the change will have come easier to some and have been more difficult for others.. Team leaders faced with managing a team via a computer screen are now presented with the task of maintaining a positive working environment despite these teething problems and difficulties. A key part of this is learning how to build a strong culture with a remote team, ensuring that everyone is on the same page even when in different postcodes. The main concern that managers have is making sure productivity remains as high as it would do in the office setting, with...

How to Create Effective Staff Development Strategies and Plans

Having an employee development plan is not only necessary for the futureproofing of a business, but also for the all-important retention of key members of staff. Without a vision for where the company sees employees moving forward or a clear career path within the business, members of staff can be tempted to look elsewhere at companies that are willing to offer what they are looking for when it comes to career progression. It is human nature to be constantly looking at what your next step is, and it certainly isn’t any different in the workplace. Progression is an important aspect of forging a career, otherwise, employees may feel as though they are stuck in a dead-end job with no opportunity to better either themselves outside of work or within their position at your company. Creating a Staff Training and Development Strategy Every company needs to have a staff development plan...

How to Develop Effective Teams

The goal of every owner or managing director of a business, large or small, is to develop an effective team that will guide and drive the company to the next level. That is often easier said than done, with even the best teams requiring lots of time invested in developing both the collective unit and the individuals themselves. However, there are a number of ways to develop employees which can help you on your way. The best teams, regardless of whether they operate in business, sport or any other field, form habits that equal success. Every cog in the machine knows their place and role in the grand scheme of things, knowing what the next steps are in any eventuality. With nothing left to chance and teams operating on almost second nature, the most effective teams have a structure in place and do not leave anything to chance. Leadership When...

Hybrid Experiences

Imago at Burleigh Court

Improving Employee/Employer Relationships

In today's competitive business environment, it's more important than ever to have a strong team of employees who are engaged and motivated. One of the best ways to achieve this is to improve employee/employer relationships.

Here are 10 Top Tips:

To learn more about how Team Challenge Company can help you improve employee/employer relationships, contact us on 03300 04 09 03.

Improving Workplace Body Language

Despite the constant reminders, it's easy to forget that workplace body language is just as important as verbal communication. Our subconscious actions and expressions often portray an image of ourselves. At Team Challenge Company, we believe that team development and improving body language are crucial for team success. Therefore, we've compiled a list of the best methods for improving body language, benefiting both the team and your business.

Improving Workplace Body Language

For more information on any of our team building experiences, please contact us and we'll be happy to help you get your team get on the right track. 

In Person Experiences

Incorporating personal development into team building

For many businesses, and indeed here at Team Challenge Company, it is important to allow your employees to focus on their own personal development as well as learning how to be a contributing member of the team. Knowing how to apply knowledge acquired from team building events can be a challenge, but if you get the balance right and reinforce team building ideology, then you will end up with a much happier team on your hands. For your team, as well as yourself on a managerial level, it is important to remember that nobody is going to hand you success on a silver platter. It is earned and achieved through careful personal development, personal strategy and a lot of hard work! We have compiled some top tips for ensuring your workforce can embrace personal development following a successful team building event. Keep a journal of achievements. Positive client feedback, appraisals...

Incorporating team building into the conference agenda

In a recent episode of Team Builders Podcast our founding directors discussed the concern they have heard from event planners about how best to incorporate team building activities into meetings and conferences without sacrificing other agenda items. Here are the 5 key takeaways from the podcast episode: 1: Planning Before any activities, set out clear objectives that resonate with your conference or meeting goals. "Have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish and why - it should be specific to each team and business stage." Jonathan Hazley 2: Engaging Introduction Create an atmosphere that encourages participation by communicating the purpose clearly. A sensitive yet enthusiastic approach helps get everyone involved. "If people are your most important asset, team building should be a top of the agenda items." Gerry Crowley 3: Effective Facilitation At Team Challenge Company, our role is to guide activities smoothly - providing feedback, stepping in...

Indoor Games

Indoor Laser Shot

With a host of skillful games ranging from Clay Pigeon Shooting to Wild West Alley, and Skill Shoot to Prairie Dog.

Indoor Team Building Ideas

Team building has an important role to play in the workplace. Not only does it bring staff members together and encourage closer working relationships, but team building can also spur productivity and increase the overall happiness amongst employees. As the workplace is often a place where professionalism is expected, staff can find it difficult to get to know each other in a relaxed manner. Instead, holding rushed conversations about how each other’s weekends were and the occasional catch up regarding the family. This is especially true in client-facing industries, such as retail, where the sales staff can often feel disconnected from managers and management teams. Why Team Building? We spend a lot of time in our jobs, an estimated 1/3 or up to 90,000 hours in a lifetime. That’s a long time to spend with people that you don’t get much of an opportunity to socialise with. Team building allows...

Industry Insights


Is Team Building Still Relevant?

As we approach the end of another year, senior management and business owners up and down the country will be spending time evaluating progress over the last quarter, as well as looking back at the year as a whole. With so many technological advances in recent years, the workplaces that our staff members work in today are a much more exciting place to be than the offices of years gone by. As businesses adapt to changes in the wider world, so, too, must the approach to employee training and development. Whether a small business or corporate, team building activities are still part and parcel of the workplace, albeit in varying forms and guises. We’ve waved goodbye to stuffy meeting rooms with trust falls and welcomed in with open arms much more exciting and innovative ways of developing team members outside of the office environment. The Ever-Changing World of Team Building...

Isle of Eriska

Judges House Hotel

Jurys Inn Aberdeen Airport

Jurys Inn Milton Keynes

Keavil House Hotel

Keep Calm and Communicate

"Communication is the key"... How many times have you heard that phrase used? In business, relationships, marketing - just about every aspect of our lives depends on communication, and this life slogan applies to all of them. Cheesy though it may seem, communication really is the key. This is especially the case in the workplace when personal and external pressures, unplanned hiccups and a whole host of other things can lead to a sometimes-tense environment and unnecessarily short tempers. Whether your office suffers from one or two personal grudges, or team-wide conflict, you need to nip it in the bud. This is something businesses spend a lot of time working on during our corporate team building events, and we have seen first-hand the difference calm communication can make to teams in even the most high-pressure roles and industries. Check out just a couple of our tips for keeping calm and communicating at work. Internal Communication...

Kenmore Hotel

Key Benefits and Advantages of Prioritising the Training and Development of Employees

Businesses that prioritise developing their existing members of staff over hiring from outside generally benefit from higher rates of employee retention. Employees feel the benefit of working for a company that invests in their personal and professional development, as well as the presence of a clear career path in the business. Here at Team Challenge Company, we believe in helping employees realise their potential which, in turn, benefits the business on a long-term basis. The leaders of tomorrow start from the bottom and work their way up the corporate ladder, although, often, many feel as though they have to seek development opportunities elsewhere as the door remains shut in their current place of employment. Do not allow talented employees to leave your company in search of better opportunities, potentially strengthening your competitors in the process. The benefits of staff training and development are clear - from the perspective of both...

Key Reasons for Introducing Coaching in the Workplace

When you think of coaching, your first thoughts might be of someone tracksuit-laden with a whistle around their neck barking out orders at the top of their lungs. However, in the workplace, coaching is a little bit different and certainly a lot calmer than the initial image – here, the ultimate goal is to help employees improve both professionally and personally. The purpose of coaching in the workplace is to increase productivity, communication and loyalty, whilst decreasing any stress and tension that may be prevalent amongst the team. All teams require a leader that they can look to who can provide help and guidance when necessary, especially in times of change; such as when a member of the team is beginning a new role (either joining from outside the company or taking a new role on within the business), the introduction of a new system and/or process or learning a...

Kildrummy Park Castle Hotel

Killyhevlin Hotel

Kimpton Charlotte Square

Kingsmills Hotel

Knockburn Loch

La Mon Hotel & Country Club

Langley Castle Hotel, Hexham


Legacy Hotel Victoria

Loch Rannoch Hotel, Estate and Spa


Londonderry Arms

Longest Putt

Complete with picket fencing, putting range and themed up-lighters to make the challenge a wonderful spectacle!

Looking Ahead to Spring

Spring is on its way and with that comes the better weather that is bound to brighten up the office. However, due to the time of year, it doesn’t mean that work will grind to a halt and leave employees dreaming of summer days spent enjoying the weather. It also doesn’t mean that you should just let spring pass you by. If your office sees spring as just another season, then it's the perfect opportunity to think about making a change and prepare a plan to change this. Look at team building days to get everyone out and enjoying the better weather - after all, this plan doesn’t have to include solely office activities. In fact, it would probably be far more beneficial to get everyone out of the office to enjoy the spring. It's far better than sitting in the office and staring out the window wishing to be...

Lough Erne Golf Resort in Fermanagh

Lumley Castle Hotel


Macdonald Alveston Manor Hotel

Macdonald Ansty Hall

Macdonald Aviemore Resort

Macdonald Bath Spa Hotel

Macdonald Berystede Hotel

Macdonald Burlington Hotel

MacDonald Cardrona Hotel

MacDonald Crutherland House

Macdonald Drumossie Hotel

Macdonald Forest Hills Hotel & Spa

MacDonald Holyrood Hotel

MacDonald Houstoun House

MacDonald Inchyra Hotel & Spa

Macdonald Leeming House

Macdonald Linden Hall Resort & Spa

Macdonald New Blossoms Hotel

Macdonald Norwood Hall Hotel

Macdonald Old England Hotel & Spa

MacDonald Pittodrie House Hotel

Macdonald Swan's Nest Hotel

Macdonald Tickled Trout Hotel

Macdonald Windsor Hotel

Machrihanish Dunes


Our magicians are always a big hit, hosting set shows for your target audience or simply roaming through your event & entertaining with their tricks!

Makeney Hall Hotel

Maldron Hotel

Malmaison Hotel

Manor House Resort Hotel

Mar Hall

Mar Lodge Estate

Marine North Berwick

Marine Troon

Marriott Hotel Leicester

Maryculter House Hotel

MBTI Personality Indicator

The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire designed to indicate psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The essence of the theory is that much seemingly random variation in the behavior is actually quite orderly and consistent, being due to basic differences in the ways individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment. MBTI Personality Indicator A means of classifying oneself and gaining an insight into the type of individual you are, your strengths and working preferences Our MBTI workshops begin using a self evaluation questionnaire in order to define which of the psychological 'types' each individual is. This allows identification of similarities and differences between individuals who work together, allowing teams to improve their working and personal relationships in a positive and constructive way, to avoid conflict and become more efficient. Workshop Facilitation A self evaluation questionnaire in order to define which...

Meldrum House Country Hotel & Golf Course

Melville Castle

Mercure Aberdeen Caledonian Hotel

Mercure Ardoe House Hotel

Mercure Ayr Hotel

Mercure Barony Castle

Mercure Box Hill Burford Bridge Hotel

Mercure Brandon Hall Hotel and Spa

Mercure Edinburgh City Hotel

Mercure Glasgow Hotel

Mercure Livingston Hotel

Mercure Madley Court

Mercure Perth Hotel

Mercure Stratford upon Avon Shakespeare Hotel

Mere Court Hotel

Millennium Copthorne

Millennium Hotel Glasgow

Millennium Hotel Mayfair

Milton Keynes

Modernise Your Team Building Events with Tech-Based Fun

Office quizzes and events are a tried and tested method of team building, but with the evolution of modern technology comes a range of new and exciting possibilities. When you think of office team building exercises, you can be forgiven for immediately thinking of problem-solving puzzles, group outings and office days out. In 2017, it is time to make use of the technology around us – in fact, the technology that many teams use on a day-to-day basis. At Team Challenge, we have an array of tech-based team building events for businesses to utilise in order to put an added spring in the steps of their staff. Games Mania Getting the team together for a day full of games is a great way for everyone to have fun with one and other, just make sure that things don’t get overly competitive! GPS Interactive Treasure Hunts A fantastic modern spin on an ageless team building activity...

Morale Boosters

Motivate Your Employees on World Productivity Day

The summer season is fast approaching - time for picnics, festivals and summer parties. Why not treat your staff to a corporate away day to boost their morale and motivation during the long sunny days? We have several activities available, from team building events to corporate family fun days. As a mobile events company – with offices based in London, Belfast, Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Manchester – we can provide a corporate day at any location of your preference. World Productivity Day is on the 20th of June and offers an excellent opportunity to get your team together to plan activities that promote productivity in the workplace. Set up some targets and goals that on completion, will earn your employees a bonus or reward for their hard work. We’ve put together some other ways in which you can promote ongoing productivity at work. Take Regular Breaks While it may seem to...

Motivating Your Team Members

Each member of your team is an individual with different goals and different personalities, so accordingly, there are many varying sources of motivation for the workplace. Corporate team events can be suited to fit the individual business needs and there are a lot of activities aimed at assisting every member of the team with their skills in communication, project planning and problem-solving. Here are some activities that are bound to motivate everyone! Do You Have a “Need 4 Speed”? For those who are poor at time management, “Need 4 Speed” will help to improve this. A group of people will need to work together to build various different cars before time runs out. Each car also has its own specific features and bolt-on extras; a small mistake can result in being sent straight to the bottom of the leaderboard. Build Relationships, “Trade Winds” Work in teams to accumulate treasure -...

Motorised Activities

Navigating Fear

For our Team Builders Podcast, Team Challenge Company directors Jonathan Hazley, Stephen Hazley and Gerry Crowley speak with the exceptional Leanne Maiden – a mother of two who rowed solo across the Atlantic in the world’s toughest race.  In the epic interview Leanne Maiden discusses the challenges she faced, and the mindset needed to get across 3,000 miles of ocean by herself. Here, we digest some of her key takeaways. You can listen to the full interview on our dedicated podcast.  Facing your fears I was at sea for 66 days and five hours, and averaging around 30 to 40 miles a day.  During the first week I had quite a bad knockdown at night when my boat capsized. It went right the way over and then came right back again. It absolutely spooked me, and after that, I just couldn't row at night and had to row really long hours...

Neurolinguistic Programming

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) is a distinct approach to issues of communication and personal development through the connection between neurological processes, language and behavioural patterns learned through experience.

Understanding each of these elements can be used to reinforce existing positive behaviours and create new behaviours allowing individuals and teams to create changes to achieve specific goals. NLP is not only about competence and excellence, it is about wisdom and vision.

NLP uses models of exceptional and idealised behaviour which allows individuals to measure themselves and identify the ways in which they can adopt successful attitudes in everyday working life to create more efficient teams. NLP develops the emotional understanding of individuals through imitation and development of the best strategies, while also aiding the practical application of such strategies in the working environment.

Newcastle United Football Club

North West Castle Hotel

Northern Ireland

Norton House Hotel & Spa

Norton Park

Nunsmere Hall Hotel

Organising The Perfect Team Building Experience

As one of the UK’s leading team building companies, we have a lot of expertise in working with companies, big and small, to organise their perfect team building experience. Our clients want the 'perfect event' for their teams, but there is no one-size-fits-all. Here are the ways we approach organising team building experiences: Understanding Your Audience You need to understand your audience. In this case, the audience is your peers and colleagues. As well as understanding where your team’s professional strengths and weaknesses lie and also their personalities and the different types of characters that you have. The key is to ensure that your corporate team building event is adaptable in a way that the entire audience can interact and leave feeling as though they have taken something positive away. When to Hold Your Event This is a tricky one that employers can dwell over because, although you don’t want...

Park Inn by Radisson Aberdeen

Partner Area

Peak Performance: Online - Moodboard

Penmere Manor Hotel

Pennyhill Park

Peterstone Court

Photo Booth

Social media enabled photo booth, select your favourite props from our hilarious selection and prepare your best pose!

Phyllis Court Club

Picture Perfect: Halloween - Moodboard

Planning Family Fun Days

It is a universal truth that family is one of the most important aspects of life. After a long, tiring day out at work, coming home to your loved ones is the best reward there can be. But what if you could go one better? What if you could bring your family along to work with you? Plan one of our exciting family fun days for your team to enjoy a day of entertaining activities with your loved ones and the whole office. Exploring the Benefits of Family Fun Days Create the perfect corporate family fun day, combining classic team building events with exciting activities that everyone will enjoy. The benefits of family fun days and team building challenges are many – they serve to motivate your team as well as teaching team members new skills that can be directly transferred across to the workplace environment. In addition, team building...

Pollock House

Privacy Policy

Psychometric Profiling

Psychometric Profiling is a way of identifying specific personality traits and behavioural styles. Individuals are enabled to increase self-awareness and teams can identify collective strengths and how to best use these within existing team structures.

Psychometric profiling allows for quicker and more dependable Human Resources decisions, as well as aiding in predicting performance. Being able to predict performance improves accountability and harmony in an office environment. In turn, a positive environment leads to collaboration and enables a productive atmosphere. 

 A greater understanding and appreciation of your workforce can improve productivity and help your team reach the company's common goals. And whilst psychometric profiling may sound intimidating it has been proved to be a useful tool in a professional environment. 

Put a Spring in your Step with Team Building Events

With spring now here and the sun shining, it is a good excuse to take everyone outside for some fun team building events. Winter is now a thing of the past and your team are noticeably happier, simply because the sun is still out when they leave the office. What better way to harness that positive feeling than by getting everyone out of the normal work environment? Sitting inside the same four walls all day every day is bound to become a mundane exercise, no matter the job. A change of scenery mixes up everyone’s routine for the better and helps to break down any barriers that may exist between colleagues. Family fun days are an excellent way of bringing everyone together in a fun environment. Not only does this help relieve some of the pressure on those with children, who would usually seek childcare in order to attend, but it...

Queensferry Hotel

Quickfire: Festive Online - Moodboard

Quickfire: Olympics Online - Moodboard

Race Around The World: Festive - Moodboard

Race Around The World: Festive Online - How It Works

Radisson Blu Hotel in Belfast

Raemoir House Hotel

Raithwaite Estate

Ramada Glasgow Airport Hotel


Reduce Stress this Winter with Team Building

Whether you are a business based in London or Glasgow, the build up to Christmas and New Year will inevitably be one of the busiest times of the year. In terms of work to be done, social events and the holidays in general, the next three months will most likely be jam-packed. So with Christmas projects well underway by now and the biggest shopping month of the year ahead of you - are you ready? These days, it takes more than a simple pep talk to keep teams engaged and focused on the task at hand, as employees are often looking for something more; they aren't happy to settle for okay - as they want the best for themselves, and tend to demonstrate this through the work they produce. As a result, they are often much harder to satisfy in terms of job satisfaction, and personalities can clash as a...

Redworth Hall Hotel

Refresh Your Team’s Spirit

As the dregs of winter finally begin to clear away and spring starts to arrive, things seem to be looking up. However, summer is still a long way off, and as we reach the middle point where we are in neither one season nor the next, levels of motivation can start to wane. This results in decreased productivity and can lead to issues with keeping your team focused and working to their full capacity. Corporate activity days are the perfect way to help your team overcome the mid-season slump. Allow them to feel refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to tackle both daily goals and future targets with renewed vigour. After all, at the end of the day, a fully motivated team is the driving force behind a successful business, so it is essential to ensure that your team is always on top form. Motivation Drives Success Each individual is able to...

Riverdale Hall

Robert Burns Birthplace Museum

Rodbaston Hall

Roe Park Hotel

Rowton Castle Hotel

Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh

Rusacks St Andrews

Rutland Hall Hotel


Scotland-Inspired Team Building Events

Scotland offers the perfect setting to hold your next corporate event with its spectacular scenery and green spaces. We have corporate events inspired by Scotland to suit all sorts of teams. From trying your hand at traditional Highland Games to navigating the beautiful Scottish mountains in our team survival activity Wilderness Challenge. Alternatively, keep it simple with a tailored treasure hunt around Glasgow, Edinburgh or Aberdeen. Highland Games It doesn’t get much more Scottish than a set of Highland Games, designed to promote team communication and boost staff morale while offering a day of unforgettable corporate excitement. Take part in a range of activities from the Mighty Caber Toss, Fisherman’s Fly Casting, a Strongman Stone Lift and even Highland Haggis Hurling! The Highland Games event is versatile; split your staff into teams or have them go head to head. We can tailor the events to your team, ensuring staff are...

SITE Familiarisation Trip to Dunkeld House Hotel

The weather should have been a fine Scottish summer’s day, but the rain came out to play instead, so we chose to take this great group inside for an afternoon of entertainment, challenge and competition. It was a pleasure to welcome SITE members on their Perthshire Familiarisation trip in conjunction with the wonderful Dunkeld House Hotel. After a sumptuous lunch in their delightful function suite hosted by General Manager John and his excellent team, we were headed to the marquee for the challenges that lay ahead. The weather was unfortunately not playing ball and delivered a steady persistent downpour, however Dunkeld House pulled out all the stops and offered us the use of their beautiful onsite Marquee– just perfect for this sample teambuilding event taking this great group inside for their challenges. The group were split into 3 teams to go head to head against each other at the ever...


Slieve Donard

Solsgirth House Hotel

Somerford Hall Hotel

Spa Hotel

Staff Development Ideas for Educators

Educators always relay the message that there is a lesson to be had in everything and that you can never stop learning. That is true for everyone and, arguably, even more so for the educators, whether they be schoolteachers, coaches, or anyone else, who have a duty to be able to communicate with their audience. No matter how good you are today, you can always be better tomorrow. Educators work with learners, striving to not only realise their potential but to exceed it. To be able to push the students in their class, they must push themselves to be the very best that they can be. Here, we will look at several staff development ideas for educators that focus on developing key areas such as communication, leadership and more. Shadow Other Educators Ask anyone involved in education and they will soon tell you just how invaluable experience is to better...

Staff Development Ideas for Human Resource Teams

Employees need to be developed for many reasons, including to maximise their potential, help them along in their career and to integrate them into your already-established team. It is largely down to managers to ensure their employees are able to develop and grow in their role, but some of it comes down to human resource teams who have a duty to look out for the wellbeing of staff – both professionally and personally when it encroaches into the workplace. If you work in HR and are looking for some ideas on how to improve upon your existing staff development programme, we’ve put together some ideas you might want to consider. Training  Training your staff in order to aid their development sounds like a basic and obvious concept, but few companies actually invest in proper training for their employees, and when they do, it’s often not done in the most effective...

Staff Development Ideas for the Finance Industry

Humans have a natural desire to learn and to better themselves, feeding their curiosity to find out new things and expand their knowledge. Those that work in the finance industry are no different, which is why, as someone responsible for the professional development of your team, you should ensure that your members of staff are provided with those opportunities. When it comes to finance staff development, the goal is simple – to give each member of your team the best chance to better themselves on both a professional and personal level. Whether they desire to climb the ladder in the finance sector or branch out into different areas, your company should do everything it can to retain the most talented and ambitious of those employees. Job Rotation To encourage your members of staff to pick up and develop new skills, as well as a better understanding of the roles their...

Staff Development Ideas for the Healthcare Industry

There is no more rewarding profession than working in the healthcare industry. Knowing that the hard work you put in every day is saving lives and, because of that huge level of responsibility, the pressures that come with it are immense. In other sectors and industries, if you have a bad day it means missing out on a sale or falling short of your profit margin but you can come back and do better the next day. In healthcare, so often you have just one shot to get things right. When it comes to staff development in healthcare, so much is based around the psychological aspects of the job, as well as on-the-job learning which can lead to opening new doors. NHS Staff Development The NHS offers staff at all levels Continuous Professional Development (CPD) opportunities, which includes on-the-job learning, e-learning, courses and workshops and voluntary options. Depending on the...

Stapleford Park Hotel

Stirk House Hotel

Supporting Employees in the Workplace

Regardless of your job role, position in the company, or personality, there are times when every employee needs support. Whether it is just lending a helping hand on a tough project or a deeper level of support, it is the duty of every organisation to look after its employees’ wellbeing. Of course, there are many different ways in which this can be achieved. Team building days are a great way to get the whole office working together and bonding more effectively, whereas quieter one-to-one sessions with HR personnel may work better in more sensitive situations. The best solution is always to judge the particular scenario on an individual scale, working to make the most of what your colleagues can offer while providing as much support as possible to every single employee. After all, your employees are the backbone of your business, so it is vital to look after them and...

Swallow Preston Hotel

Sweet Treats

Tall Ship Glasgow

Target Zone

Taymouth Marina

Team Bonding turns Colleagues into Friends

In the business or corporate environment, it’s a sad truth that often too much emphasis is placed on progression and competition. This is usually at the cost of getting to know your colleagues and co-workers, resulting in a lack of meaningful office friendships. Here at Team Challenge Company, we aim to change this. We think that corporate events are important to enable people to make friends with their co-workers, as this promotes a healthy, friendly working atmosphere. Colleagues that are also friends work more closely together, which can help with problem solving and in the creation of new ideas and strategies. It’s important to make sure every member of your team is valued and appreciated, and friendships can go a long way towards improving the general morale of the workplace environment. With that in mind, you may not know that the 11th of February is international ‘Make a Friend Day’. This is the...

Team Building Aberdeen 

Team Building Activities Aberdeen Team Challenge Company’s mission is to help your team to perform at its optimum level. With over two decades of experience in the team building industry, we are able to lay on a vast range of activities and experiences, all with the aim of strengthening team morale and helping to spot potential leaders. Please read on to find out more about our team building experiences available to our Aberdeen clients. Due to the hard work of our team building experts, we are pleased to say that you can choose from over one hundred team building activities. We cater to all types of team setups with both in person and virtual experiences available. We even provide hybrid experiences, which are a great alternative for businesses that have in person and remote employees. We have found that these hybrid experiences really allow for relationships to be strengthened between...

Team building events for introverts

Each and every business aspires to have the perfect team in each department; finding the best possible mix of skills, ambition, experience and personality to drive each team forward is, of course, the ultimate aim. A team that doesn't need to be micromanaged or continually monitored is a team that will not only succeed but will do so with gusto. It goes without saying that while our dreams and aspirations for the perfect team are clear and certainly achievable, it is also necessary to choose the right person for the job, and this isn't always the extrovert. Introverted individuals are just as successful and popular in the workplace. However, they are less likely to want to be involved in team building events with the rest of your office.   Introverts Vs. Extroverts While the extrovert is full of energy and maintains an outgoing personality at all times - especially for team building events,...

Team Building Experiences

Team Building for Introverts

Every business aims to create the perfect team, where a blend of skills, ambition, experience, and personality drives success. For leaders, it's crucial to understand and accommodate the unique needs of each member, appreciating the power of diversity, especially the blend of introverts and extroverts. While extroverts may naturally gravitate towards team building activities, introverts can feel apprehensive, worrying about the pressure to step outside their comfort zone. Introverts vs. Extroverts Extroverts are known for their energy and outgoing nature, particularly in social settings like team building events. In contrast, introverts excel in environments where they can think before they act, bringing thoughtful insights and deliberate strategies to the table. Recognising and leveraging the strengths of both can support your team to reach their full potential. Addressing Introvert Concerns It's common for introverts to feel nervous about participating in a team building day. Leaders who recognise the value of every...

Team Building Goals

Team building days, events and activities are part of life for many organisations up and down the country. Of course, there can be many different reasons for organising a team building event, ranging from successfully integrating new starters to actively working to resolve any issues. As a result, there should be no one-size-fits-all approach to team building or the results you hope employees will take away from the experience. Therefore, if you are thinking of planning a team building event, it’s important to outline clear goals and objectives to ensure that you and your team get the most out of the occasion. Whether it is fostering positive workplace relationships or helping to change attitudes within the team, setting goals can ensure that your objectives are met. However, if you are struggling to identify and define goals for your team building event, we can help you get started. Why is it...

Team Building in the Digital Age

Employee relationships are a hugely important aspect of any business and can be complicated to navigate, particularly in large teams with multiple personality types or busy working spaces where employees don’t get much of an opportunity to learn about each other. These relationships are the foundations on which businesses are built. If you have a team that communicates poorly, this can lead to a breakdown in services offered and potentially lead to loss of business. Our modern-day activities are a fantastic way to promote growth in your tech-orientated employees with a host of tablet and smartphone team building events designed to strengthen working bonds and employee relations. Our challenges are unique and offer a creative, memorable way to bring your employees together in an enjoyable, relaxed environment, with a light bit of competition between teams to fire up the competitive spirit. Team development events have evolved over the years and...

Team Building London 

Team Building Activities London Team Challenge Company’s number one aim is to help your team reach its full potential. We have over twenty years of team building knowledge and experience, allowing us to deliver a wide variety of activities, all geared towards improving team morale, identifying leaders and strengthening your business. Below, we will take a closer look at the different types of team building experiences that we can offer to our London clients. Thanks to our dedicated specialists, we are able to offer over one hundred team building activities. These include both in person and virtual experiences for you to choose from, depending on your team’s setup. We also offer hybrid experiences, which companies that have an in person as well as a remote workforce find particularly useful. Hybrid experiences allow members from both sides of the workforce to engage in fun and exciting activities, thus strengthening cohesion across...

Team Building Starts in the Office

Team building isn’t just about getting out of the office once or twice a year for a round of fun activities or entertaining evenings. It should be a day to day initiative that business owners consider a significant aspect of running a successful company. While corporate event management is important, staff that aren’t already interacting in a friendly manner around the office or property may cause a team building event to get off to a slow start with people reluctant to truly join in. That’s why it’s important to ensure everybody is able to work together positively and sufficient support is offered to employees even in situations where there are conflicting personalities. There are a few ways to do this before you start planning a big corporate event or get together: Encourage Socialising Every business owner wants their organisation to be successful and bring in profit, however, to do this,...

Team Building With Premier Foods

Team Challenge Company ventured south to Woburn for a beautiful afternoon at the stunning Sculpture Gallery. Here we would be hosting our extremely popular Team Building activity, the Crystal Challenge with Premier Foods! With various independent and team based challenges, the tensions were high and the competition was fierce- let’s see how well they got on! The teams got stuck right in as they put on their Chicken, Fox, and Farmer costumes to cross the lake before trying their strength at Hit the Nail. After completing the Labyrinth, the teams struggled with the Jigsaws, which not one team managed to successfully complete! Neil got the record at the (somewhat slippery) Flag Race with 11.8s, with Phil close behind at just over 12s. We moved inside for the final few challenges, in which all teams performed admirably. The Interlocker challenge was first completed by One Direction, with Goldilocks and the 3 Bears close 2nd. Shortly after 2 Unlimited finished, but unfortunately Forking Brilliant ran out of time with only one piece remaining. During...

Team Building With PWC

The fantastic Hastings Europa Hotel, located in the heart of the city of Belfast, played host to a fantastic and fun-filled afternoon of team building for over 200 team members from PWC, as they took the sunny streets of Belfast to compete in our incredibly popular GPS Interactive Treasure Hunt event.  There was a sense of nervous excitement in the room as our guests came back from morning conference to be briefed on their afternoon activity, but any pre-match nerves were quickly washed away as the 25 teams were handed their tablets and they headed out the doors on to Victoria Street to start their adventure! There were so many brilliant highlights throughout the afternoon, far too many to mention, but we have included some of our favourite below and would be delighted to hear your greatest highlights in the comments section below.  From Team Sonic and Mortal Kombat’s ridiculous...

Team Challenge Company - Fun Day Brochure

Team Development

Time and time again, our staff team building games and events prove to be incredibly rewarding for the individuals involved, as well as for the team and company as a whole. This is because our expert event management team do their utmost to challenge the groups participating in our activities, creating team development events that are engaging, highly beneficial and fun. In fact, many of the activities we host are new experiences for those in attendance, which only amplifies their effectiveness by increasing interest and focus during the event. We believe that taking your team out of the normal workplace environment helps to challenge staff to develop skills that may otherwise go unnoticed or not utilised effectively. By temporarily removing professional roles during an activity and taking on other responsibilities as part of a group, team development activities for work colleagues champion communication and developing solutions. Building Better Teams Time...

Team Management Systems

TMS focuses on understanding team skills and working preferences in order to develop individual, team and organisational performance. It involves highlighting levels of existing skill at an individual level and mapping out a means through which such skills can be integrated and utilised cohesively by the team at large.

TMS recognises the importance of gaining understanding and self-awareness through the experiences other team members have of your skills and traits.

Similarly, through means of the Risk Orientation Model, you can measure the inherent responses of an individual to risk-taking and overcoming obstacles through their assessment of risk versus reward situations. This allows teams to achieve balance in the skills and working preferences within their group.

Ten Resolutions to Building a Stronger Team

The tradition of making goals and New Year's resolutions no longer just applies to individuals, it can also be beneficial for businesses that are looking to improve and better themselves compared to last year. Some might say that setting resolutions for your team is a well-being strategy, and here at Team Challenge Company we cannot agree enough with this sentiment.  Once the groundwork and foundations are in place, you can then focus on the right team building events that will really cement your team in place. While resolutions, on the whole, are not a new idea, it can be difficult to transform something that is traditionally a personal journey and apply it to the workplace. We understand the need for this type of goal-oriented motivation in the office, however, so we have come up with a list of ten resolutions that we believe will help you build a stronger team for the new...

Ten Square Hotel

Thainstone House

Thank You

Thatcher's Hotel

The Aberdeen Altens Hotel

The Benefits of Different Personalities Within a Team

In any professional workplace environment, you are always going to encounter a diverse range of people with different personalities. In some cases, these personalities can end up contrasting greatly - leading to possible issues within your team. It is important to recognise these issues and head them off before they become serious, as this has the capability to divide your team and create a negative atmosphere. Targeted team building events have the ability to combat such issues and ensure that your entire team is working together to their full potential. Celebrating Individuality Here at Team Challenge Company, we aim to appreciate different personalities and celebrate the varied roles that they can play within the team as a whole. After all, diverse personalities boast varying benefits as these personalities all come with different skill sets. If everyone within the team had a similar personality, you would probably find your team being...

The Bull Hotel

The Burrendale Hotel, Country Club & Spa

The Carlton Hotel

The Castle Hotel

The Chester Hotel

The Cromlix Hotel

The Elvetham

The Glasshouse Edinburgh

The Hawkswood Country

The Hogs Back Hotel

The Hop Farm

The ICC Birmingham

The Importance and Impact of Team Training in the Healthcare Sector

Almost all sectors rely on teamwork, but one industry where this skill is more vital than any other is the healthcare industry.  Why is Teamwork so Important in the Healthcare Sector? When a person receives medical care, their treatment plan will be a culmination of various different departments within the medical sector. Most doctors specialise in specific fields, and they often ask each other for second opinions with reference to a diagnosis and treatment plan. When patients undergo treatment for multiple issues, doctors typically require input from several different medical professionals. This means that those who work within the healthcare sector need to be able to co-operate effectively with each other in order to ascertain the best outcome for the patient. In addition to a better level of care for the patient, healthcare teams being able to work effectively together will reduce pressure on them in terms of their workload....

The Importance of family in the workplace

For many small businesses - and a few of the bigger ones - the people they employ are part of a close-knit team much like a family; successes are celebrated and mistakes are learnt from together as a team.  Invite your employees and their family to a corporate fun day and cement your workplace family relationships in the process. Not only will you see a whole new side to your employees watching them interact with their loved ones and children, but it will also enable you to get a deeper sense of who they are outside of the office. Corporate fun days are all about team building, but by extending the invitation out to partners, spouses, and children it becomes a day of bonding and connecting on a personal level, as well as professional. Your business becomes family-friendly and a workplace that your employees want to remain a part of. Here at Team Challenge...

The Importance of Location in Team Building

One of the most common questions we are asked is whether team building outside of the office is more successful than activities carried out on site. In theory, the concept of team building itself is relatively simple. Team building aids your staff to reach their full potential, involving mutual trust, support and respect. However, the reality is that it can be much harder to achieve in the real world. The success of many internally organised team building events is often limited for a number of reasons. Firstly, staff members chosen to organise internal events can lack (through no fault of their own) the relevant knowledge to deliver team building.  Secondly, if there are issues and conflict within the group, attempting to resolve them in the same room can lead to employees being defensive and resistant to change. The obvious way to address these issues is to outsource your team building needs. Relationship advice specialists always advise...

The Importance of Mental Health Support

We spend a lot of our day in the workplace, and possibly the majority of our time if you factor in the time taken to commute between home and work. That’s why it’s all the more important that businesses place a priority on positive mental health in their employees. This doesn’t mean catering to every annual leave request when it leaves you short staffed, but you could offer more opportunity for a better home/work balance and reward your hard-working employees with longer breaks or the odd afternoon off. Offering staff the opportunity to get involved with corporate event management can be beneficial and opens up options for team building in and out of the workplace. Mental health is more than being ill, it is affected by our social, psychological and emotional well-being and covers all aspects of having a “low-feeling” day to disorders such as depression and anxiety. We break down some options for businesses to...

The Infinite Loop: Online - Moodboard

The Legacy Preston International Hotel

The Legacy Rose & Crown Hotel

The Links Country Park Hotel

The Manor

The Montague Hotel

The Oakley Court

The Old Course Hotel, Golf Resort & Spa

The Parsonage

The Peak at Stirling Sports Village

The Power Of Small Talk

The art of small talk is one that comes naturally to some, whilst others struggle to make what is supposed to be an insignificant conversation with those around them. Some people recoil in horror at the prospect of having to make idle chit-chat while others are pro-active and ready to engage with the people around them. In the workplace, knowing how to make small talk and knowing how to take something positive from it, is an important aspect of being part of a team. It is a wonderful way of building and maintaining relationships with those around us, which is crucial if you are looking to build team spirit. Alongside this, it helps create a friendly and easy-going atmosphere in the office, and it can reduce any stress or anxiety you may be feeling, too. Why do people hate small talk? Intended as a means of starting a conversation, covering generic topics...

The Power Of Small Talk

The art of small talk comes naturally to some, whilst others struggle to make what is supposed to be an insignificant conversation with those around them. Some people recoil in horror at the prospect of having to make idle chit-chat, while others are proactive and ready to engage with the people around them. In the workplace, knowing how to make small talk and how to take something positive from it is an important aspect of being part of a team. It is a wonderful way of building and maintaining relationships with those around us, which is crucial if you want to build team spirit. It also helps create a friendly and easy-going atmosphere in the office. Why do people hate small talk? Intended as a means of starting a conversation, covering generic topics that everyone can engage in, these encounters can feel awkward and shallow. It can also feel forced and a...

The Quorn Country Hotel

The Randolph Hotel by Graduate Hotels

The Roxburghe Hotel & Golf Course

The Sandman Signature Aberdeen Hotel

The Scotsman Hotel

The Stanneylands Country House Hotel

The Stirling Highland Hotel

The Stuart Hotel

The Tower Hotel

The University of Manchester Conferences and Venues

The Windlestrae

Theme Options

Thistle Glasgow Hotel

Thistle Hotel Aberdeen Airport

Three Common Causes of Team Hiccups

There is no denying the importance of strong, capable and motivated teams when it comes to work and productivity. However, a few wrong moves and you can cause some serious hiccups within your team; these issues can often upset the team dynamic and will require you to address the situation. So to give you an idea of what to watch out for, here are three common things from Team Challenge Company that cause team hiccups and ideas on how to address them. Leave people out This one goes all the way back to school days; inclusion is a big deal because people are social animals, meaning we want to be included and involved. Now, in the workplace things get slightly more complicated than when you chose teams for Bulldog. Nevertheless, making sure the whole team feels they are aware, involved and making a valuable contribution is the best way to keep...

Time Management Strategies for Teams

Time management strategies for teams are key to creating productive work environments. Failing to prioritise tasks, giving muddled instructions, or assigning an unachievable workload are often the biggest barriers to productivity. Doing any of these can lead to a very stressful environment for your team. At Team Challenge Company, we have years of experience in helping organisations work more efficiently and effectively. Here, we share our insights on how to manage your team and resources in a timely and productive manner. Scheduling is key to success It may sound simple, but using a calendar or schedule to plan the week ahead ensures that tasks are clearly identified and assigned. Mark priorities for ongoing projects, setting interim deadlines to ensure nothing gets missed, and make a daily 'To Do' list to keep track of what needs to be done by who and by when - checking the list off after each...


Trailblazing Leadership Tactics for 2024

Ready to turbocharge your leadership and revitalise your team in 2024? Let's dive into some leadership tactics for 2024, strategies that will not only inspire you but also support your team to reach their full potential! Celebrate Success Loud and Clear! Everyone craves recognition, and acknowledging your team's triumphs is a surefire way to fuel their passion. Remember, one size doesn't fit all. Find out how each team member likes to be supported, be it a shoutout in a meeting or a quiet thank-you. This approach isn't just nice; it's strategic, boosting motivation and job satisfaction. Secret Heroes Show your team that doing the right thing doesn't need an audience. Leading with integrity, even in private moments, builds a foundation of trust and respect. Transparent Leadership Share the victories as well as the lessons learned from setbacks. Admitting mistakes and embracing them as growth opportunities showcases your commitment to honesty...

Trump International

Trump Turnberry Hotel

Tuckman’s Stage of Team Development: A Short Guide

In 1965, Dr Bruce Tuckman developed a four-stage model that focuses on team development in terms of ability, maturity and the relationships formed within the unit. This model, named Dr Bruce Tuckman’s Team Development Model, is designed to present a simple explanation for how a group develops and is commonly used as a means to help each person achieve their potential during team sessions. The four stages of Dr Tuckman’s model are: Forming Storming Norming Performing A fifth stage was introduced by Dr Tuckman around 1975 which he called adjourning. This fifth and final stage is a little removed from the original four as it focuses more on the aftermath of the development, looking at the break-up of the team and any changes to the members' relationships and well-being. Primarily, it is the original four stages that are used when it comes to team development and tracking the evolution of...

Turin Castle Scotland

Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums

Tynecastle Park

UK Team Building Days: 5 Star Luxury

Working with a wide range of venues of all styles across the UK and Ireland, our team have had the pleasure of working at some truly stunning locations, including several five-star luxury hotels.  Here are four of the top class hotels that offer a unique setting for your event. Fairmont St Andrews, Scotland Fairmont St Andrews Hotel Golf Resort & Spa sits on the eastern cliffs of Scotland, commanding spectacular sea views. Framed by the striking St Andrews skyline and shrouded in the history of the Home of Golf, the extensive facilities include: 209 deluxe guest rooms, five restaurants each with their own individual character and style, 36 holes of great golf, a reviving spa offering a wide range of luxurious treatments and an 18 metre indoor pool with sauna, steam-room and Jacuzzi, plus a large dedicated area for outdoor team building activities and corporate entertainment games. Designed with comfort and luxury...

Understanding personalities within your team

When it comes to successfully building and developing teams within a business, there are key areas team leaders should focus on. These areas include identifying the core skill sets required for each job role and understanding the various positions that need to be filled within the team. According to research conducted by Dr Belbin, the so-called 'father of team role theory' there are nine roles that contribute to the success of a team. However, in the modern office environment, many employees encompass multiple roles, while some roles may not be necessary at all. At Team Challenge Company, we understand the importance of team building and integrated development for the smooth running and success of teams, departments, and businesses. It is not only crucial for enhancing employee satisfaction but also for achieving higher levels of team performance. While most office environments are no longer rigid and formal, there is still value...

Uniting Teams Through The Power Of Song

Jonathan Hazley, co-director of one of the UK's leading corporate team building businesses, Team Challenge Company, on why forming a choir creates the ultimate team. After the years of lockdowns and restrictions with no major sport or music concerts, it has been an electrifying experience to stand in a stadium as they echo again with the sounds of the national anthem and sing out from the stands when stars turn over the microphone to allow us to carry the song.  The benefits of group singing are 'plentiful and scientifically proven' so says David Hill, musical director of The Bach Choir and principal conductor of Yale Schola Cantorum. According to Sarah Wilson, a clinical neuropsychologist and head of the School of Psychological Sciences at Melbourne University, large parts of our brain 'light up' when singing. The physical exertion alone can energise individuals and release endorphins and the breathing techniques are a...

Unleashing the Power of Outdoor Team Building Experiences

In today's increasingly digital business landscape, the transformative power of outdoor team building activities is often overlooked. But at Team Challenge Company, we fully understand the potential of nature in boosting creativity, enhancing productivity, and, crucially, strengthening team dynamics. Here's our guide to harnessing the energy of outdoor team building experiences. Creating Your Outdoor Meeting Space for Team Building According to author Richard Louv, being deprived of the great outdoors for the best part of your working life is known as Nature Deficit Disorder. Escaping the traditional confines of indoor meetings can have a refreshing impact on your employees. Consider constructing an outdoor meeting space - a gazebo or a sheltered picnic area. This shift of scenery can ignite creativity, promote 'outside-the-box' thinking, and infuse a breath of fresh air into your everyday business operations. If you are looking to improve the health and well-being of your employees, as well as...

Unlocking Motivation

In the workplace, motivation levels among your team members will vary. While 'extrinsic' factors like promotions and wage increases are well-known motivators, 'intrinsic' drivers are often overlooked. To build a motivated team, it's crucial to recognise both. Extrinsic Motivations Extrinsic motivators, such as salary reviews, promotion opportunities, or simple recognition, foster a sense of accomplishment and drive continuous improvement. While these external rewards are important, they only scratch the surface of what truly motivates employees. Intrinsic Motivations Every team member is motivated by distinct intrinsic factors, such as personal development, engagement, and satisfaction. How Team Building Can Unlock Your Teams Motivation Personal Development Opportunities: Team-building activities can provide opportunities for personal growth and skill development. Through problem-solving challenges or leadership exercises, team members have the chance to enhance their abilities and expand their horizons, unlocking their full potential. Engagement and Connection: Team building experiences foster a sense of belonging and...

Unlocking potential through understanding learning styles

Operating across hundreds of organisations, we frequently work with large, diverse groups. Understanding how to tailor our delivery for different learning styles is key to unlocking your team's potential. As we discuss in a recent episode of the Team Builders Podcast, people absorb information in a variety of ways. Primarily, there are four styles of learning: Crucially, the onus is on us leaders to identify these differences, adapting how you connect to your individual team members to bring out the best in each person. When facilitating a team building experience, we speak to organisers in advance to understand teams better. On the day, we look for signals hinting at who might need facts and figures or more imagery and examples before getting fully on board. Individuals may seem disengaged who perhaps simply need more incentive to participate. You can find the right catalyst to spark their interest by understanding their...

Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in the Workplace

What Do Workers Need? Employees play a crucial role in any business. Keeping them happy, motivated, and engaged takes effort. Here we discuss how Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs can be used to motivate staff in the workplace. According to Maslow's 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation", there are five key areas that need to be satisfied for an individual to feel happy and content Applying Maslow's Theory in Reality While you might not do everything on Maslow's pyramid, you can create a place where workers can find these things for themselves. Here's how to use Maslow's hierarchy of needs in the workplace Many of our clients come to us with a sense of what they would like to improve. Whether it’s a morale boosting day out or something to inspire more creative thinking, we have a huge range of experiences designed to help enhance your team. You might even...

Using Team Building to Fight January Blues

At its core, team building is designed to bring an organisation and the teams within it together, working harmoniously towards a common goal. With the excess of the seasonal holiday now firmly behind you, returning to work in January can feel quite tiresome for many employees. For many, over-indulgence during the Christmas and New Year break can leave staff members feeling more sluggish and lethargic than usual, with the grey, cold and often rainy weather certainly not helping to lift the mood within the workplace. January can feel longer than other months, too, because many businesses are paid early before Christmas – all of this combined can leave your team flagging a little more than usual as a result. If this sounds familiar, then it could be that you have some January blues to beat before you can really kick the year off as you mean to go on. Ways...

Using Team Building To Spot Next Leaders 

Put your people to the test with our in-person and virtual team building experiences which are a great way of spotting members of staff with excellent leadership skills that might have otherwise gone unnoticed. What Makes a Good Leader? A good leader is optimistic and full of creative, problem-solving ideas and solutions to the unexpected. A good leader will spot strengths and weaknesses within a team and work according to these skill sets. Getting to know their team means making efficient decisions and ensuring the task at hand is completed to the highest standard possible.  A good leader knows when to delegate and when to assume responsibility themselves. Delegation is important within a team; not only will team members feel trusted, respected and needed, but they will be much more conscientious too. A good leader remains calm in times of crisis and knows how to communicate with staff to get the job done promptly....


Virtual Experiences

Vision, Mission & Values

Done right, a vision, mission and values for your company can play a significant part in its success. A vision, setting clear expectations and a common purpose, in a desired future state helps direct and motivate a team. It is the culmination of all of your goals into a single ultimate goal.

Your mission describes your company's function and the how you achieve your goals. Values are the traits which represent how you want to be known as a company and can guide behaviour in the workplace. Values can drive our decision-making and lead you to summon up energy to preserve what you believe in and act accordingly. Within a company, commitment to values becomes the route to achieving your vision.

voco St. David's Cardiff, an IHG Hotel

Waldorf Astoria Edinburgh - The Caledonian


Walkabout Characters

Bring a touch of magic to your event as some of your favourite characters come alive!

Wellington Park Hotel

Wensum Lodge Hotel

What Are the Objectives of Staff Development?

Businesses that engage in staff development programmes do so with a simple objective in mind; to improve the productivity of the team and, with that, the business as a whole. Of course, that is just one of the objectives of staff development and it would be a disservice to simply leave it at that. All businesses that invest in the development of their employees enjoy a positive culture – one that encourages all members of the team to go above and beyond, striving to improve themselves both professionally and personally. In contrast, businesses that do not invest in training and development often lose their most talented employees to competitors, as well as seeing company results fall considerably short of targets. How Does Training and Development Improve Employee Motivation? When an employee feels as though their employer cares, demonstrated by investing in their development, it serves as motivation to continue to...

What Goes into Hosting a Team Building Event?

At Team Challenge Company, we pride ourselves on delivering the best team building events in Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom, but what exactly goes into hosting an event? Over 400 incredible team bonding events are hosted every year, helping businesses big and small to achieve their goals by breaking down boundaries and bringing colleagues closer together. Our reputation speaks for itself, and it is understandable to see why - when you consider all of the hard work that is put in behind the scenes, by Team Challenge Company. Team Challenge’s Values “At Team Challenge Company our vision is to be the leading corporate team building and entertainment provider throughout the UK and Ireland. We strive to attract, develop and retain the best team whilst working in a positive and productive environment." “We consistently seek to provide and deliver services and products that are recognised as market-leading, we endeavour to exceed our clients' and guests' expectations...

What is Staff Training and Development and Why is it Important?

Hiring talented members of staff is one thing, but to truly get the best out of your team investing in training and development is essential. This keeps your employees engaged in their role, maintains staff motivation, and reduces absenteeism, which can have a serious impact on productivity and, thus, revenue. The need for staff training and development is clear because when employees are left to their own devices with no time invested in them from management, they soon become disillusioned. Eventually, staff feel as though they hit a glass ceiling within the company with no opportunity afforded to them to further their career, feeling as though they need to look elsewhere for those opportunities to better their career prospects. As well as from a professional perspective, the importance of staff development can also be found in how employees grow as people by improving skills such as communication, organisational and leadership...

What Is Team Building?

Many businesses and organisations choose to take part in team building events knowing that they will benefit their employees and workplace, but they aren’t always sure why. It’s common for management and HR teams to use phrases such as teamwork and team building, but not everyone will understand the specifics of what they are. So, to help clear things up for everyone, we thought we would outline things in black and white. What is Teamwork? In the simplest terms, teamwork is defined as a combination of people taking part in a group activity, but it’s safe to say that there is so much more to it than this. Teamwork means giving those who otherwise would work alone the opportunity to gain valuable experience and knowledge from others - it's something that can’t be learned from a book and cannot be forced. A group of people must be willing to work...

What Makes a Good Quiz?

Quizzes make a great form of evening entertainment and they are a versatile activity that can be readily adapted to suit different audiences. From classic and traditional questions to more unique quiz round ideas, there are plenty of options to choose from! Here at Team Challenge Company, we are a team building company that is well aware of the importance of ensuring that quizzes are interesting, engaging, and valuable. The Big Quiz is our fun and competitive team quiz, expertly presented by our professional team to ensure you and your colleagues can make the most of the event. However, just what exactly is it that makes a quiz stand out? What are the factors that will make your team’s quiz stand head and shoulders above the rest? We’re here to outline the key points and discuss the important components that go into making the best quizzes. Fun Quiz Rounds Nobody...

Why a Treasure Hunt is Great for Team Building

Your employees need a break every now and then, allowing them to clear their minds and start afresh - ready to take on anything. Whether this is by taking annual leave, finishing early once a month or spending more time bonding with their team, this is essential to ensure employees are happy in the workplace. You can help this along, too! By taking your team outside of the normal work environment and taking part in team building events in Scotland, your employees will be raring to go when they get back to their desks for days, weeks and months to come. All management teams recognise the importance of a strong team; it is vital for any organisation. A team building event is highly beneficial in bringing the best out of employees for a number of reasons. First and foremost, however, it is a great way of enhancing an employees skill set of...

Why Choose Escape the Mob for Remote Team Building?

As a business, you naturally want to have the best employees working together to create the best teams that all work together to achieve one common goal. However, that doesn’t just happen overnight; it takes time to develop a dynamic within the team where every member is familiar with the role that not only they play, but that of everyone else, too.  As has been the case in 2020, the move towards remote working patterns has seen the need for team building events to be more flexible than ever. Here at Team Challenge Company, we are proud to host our virtual escape room event, Escape the Mob, which challenges teams to work together via an app and online conference platform to solve puzzles, crack the code and escape.  What is Escape the Mob?  Escape the Mob is an online escape room game that is perfect for developing team-building skills for remote...

Why Choose the Big Quiz Online for Remote Team Building?

For companies looking at new ways and means of keeping remote teams engaged, recreating the same excitement and feeling of comradery can be challenging. However, just as businesses have been able to thrive and remain productive even without a physical base, maintaining high levels of employee engagement is still possible. Some members of staff may feel isolated working from home, especially if they have been used to working in busy offices alongside their colleagues. With a lack of watercooler conversation, a remote team building quiz can fill the void by injecting a fun, social aspect to the working day. Without some form of remote team building, employees can soon feel as though their colleagues are merely names that pop-up on a computer screen. Making a conscious effort to include time for team building goes a long way to ensuring that members of staff still feel part of a collective group. The...

Why Corporate Social Responsibility Should Be on Your Business’ Priority List

Whilst we’d all like to think our company does everything it can to show the world our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), unfortunately, it’s not as effortless as we might be led to believe. If we’re being honest, most of the time we forget how much of a responsibility our businesses have to support others, especially around deadlines and crunch time. Arranging and following through with a campaign to help the environment or local community takes time, effort and planning from all members of the team. However, at Team Challenge Company, we also like to remind people of the significant business benefits that come with corporate social responsibility. That's why we offer a range of CSR team building activities that focus on maximising your team’s unity whilst simultaneously contributing to wider society and embedding CSR values. Here are some key reasons why investing in helping wider society should definitely be on...

Why creativity is one of your most valuable tools and 5 ways to boost it

Creativity is one of the most valuable traits for teams to harness. A survey by Universities UK revealed more than 60% of organisations and talent acquisition specialists believe more creative thinkers are needed in the job market. Creative thinkers are vital for problem-solving and are better equipped to handle workplace changes, giving your organisation a competitive edge when developing new products and services. With so much to gain, how can you inspire creativity in your teams? Five Ways to Boost Creativity in Your Teams Generate Lots of Ideas Encourage the entire team to share ideas with each other and with their team leaders. Make it clear that you're open to hearing all creative inspirations. Whether through informal discussions or establishing a formal process for idea sharing, create an environment where new ideas flow continuously. Not every idea will be a 'lightbulb moment', but having options and opening discussions is key to success. Be...

Why January is a Great Time for Team Building

Every business has to contend with the dreaded January blues when their employees come back into the office off the back of a well-earned break, missing the mornings they did not have to answer to an alarm clock. In order to restore the morale in your office - as well as the smiles and enthusiasm - it is important to kick off the year as you mean to go on and there is no better way to blow away any cobwebs than to organise a team building day in January! Bringing the team together A well-planned team building event will bring your team members closer together by working as a collective unit away from the usual office surroundings. Organising an event that will require employees to work as a team, requiring them to assign tasks to one another, will bring a group together. Also, taking employees out of the office in...

Why You Need To Work On Your Team’s Creativity

There are a lot of ingredients that go into making the ideal team and driving your business forward; from mutual respect, open communication, organisation, and shared objectives, to innovation, collaboration, and creativity. Unfortunately, day to day pressures and responsibilities can cause individuals and businesses to sacrifice creativity in the pursuit of “getting the job done”. However, to ensure your team are energised and focused, coming up with new ways to achieve shared objectives, you need to foster creative thinking and problem-solving. That is why we have an entire portfolio of outdoor and indoor team building activities to promote creativity and collaboration in the workplace – to help drive your business forward. The importance of creativity in business has even been the topic of study at institutions like Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. But, if you’re still on the fence as to whether or not creativity should be a priority for...

Wild West Quick Draw

As the Saloon Bar Doors open, be the first to shoot the Cowboy, drawing your replica revolver from your holster. as he raises his gun and the 'Draw' sign illuminates! See if you can be the quickest gun in the West!

Wild West Rodeo Wrestler

Take the Bull by the horns as you take on this test of strength and endurance!

Wincanton Racecourse

Winkworth Farm

Winton Castle Edinburgh

Woodbury Park Hotel & Golf Club

Work Icebreakers: 20 Corporate Ice Breaking Ideas

Icebreakers are perfect for stimulating growth and cooperation in a team or group. Whether you’re hosting a conference or forming a new department in your business, icebreakers present a great way to create a comfortable atmosphere that brings participants together. Almost everyone has been in that awkward situation where you don’t know anyone in the room particularly well. Many people are tempted to resort to being quiet and conservative when presented with a scenario or situation where they aren’t entirely comfortable and, as an employer or manager, this is what you want to avoid. If attendees are shy or anxious, the chances are that their attention will be drawn away from the core objectives! Use icebreakers to remove this tension and you’ll have a much more cohesive unit that can address the problems they face as a group. It’s a win-win situation! To help you find a great icebreaker for...

Yarnfield Park Training & Conference Centre

Year-Round Team Building

While the seasons can affect many things, they shouldn’t affect plans for team building days. However, every season is different and each can bring about various types of weather. Thanks to the great British weather, it’s not always clear what kind of weather it will be on any particular day, so it’s always better to plan in advance and go with the season. There are many benefits to team building and plenty of activities that can be done both inside and out, so pick a season and allow it to influence your choice of activity. Here are some of our favourite ideas for fun team building events during each individual season. Team Building in the Spring Spring is many people's favourite season - it’s starting to get warmer and the days seem a little brighter. With that in mind, it’s the perfect season to venture outside. Alternatively, if you're faced...

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