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Fife Housing Group

The Brief

A creative and enjoyable indoor event to create a 'wow experience' for 80 people from all areas of the organisation, including office, field workers and operational staff. Not just a 'general team building session,' the focus had to be on encouraging collaboration and delivering Fife Housing Group's new company strapline - '#oneteam'.

The Solution

The Big Picture experience was chosen as the perfect creative event which would deliver on the wow factor. Following a brief from the marketing team, Team Challenge Company developed an artwork that reflected all aspects of working life at Fife Housing Group, what they do, their recent achievements, values and culture. Not knowing the final design, teams were given guidance on how to paint individual canvasses. The finished canvasses were then collated behind the scenes. During an awards ceremony at the end of the evening, the final artwork was dramatically unveiled to the entire staff team. The artwork now hangs on a wall at the company's head offices providing a tangible display of Fife Housing Group being #oneteam'.

The Outcome

"Thanks again for your help with delivering a great event on Friday. The feedback we're getting about the Big Picture is fantastic! "In fact, everyone is so excited about the masterpiece they created that I'm being harassed about when it's going to be put up."

Karen Begg

Communications and Marketing Manager

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