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About Us

Our vision is to enhance the performance of teams the world over, by helping to unlock their true potential.

About Us - How do we achieve this?

We believe in the power of well-designed and outcome-led team building experiences. Ours have been crafted to empower teams through a mixture of fun, insight and inspiration. To find out more about us, please continue to read on.

But what’s so special about us and our services?

Our team building, and the events we organise for some clients, are delivered through a mixture of our long experience in the industry, our unrivalled range, and how our guiding principles help shape the way we facilitate your experience.

We provide businesses, global and local, with outcome-led experiences designed to empower their teams through fun, insight and inspiration.

Our principles

One of the main reasons our experiences deliver such an impact is how we bring them to life. So, we devised a set of guidelines to help us create maximum engagement and maximum impact on our clients’ outcomes.
  • 1. Embrace the unexpected

    Who knows what will happen on the night? If and when a dog shows up, we’ll help wag its tail. It’s our job to be prepared for any eventuality and we’ll help smooth out those bumps.
  • 2. Everyone is welcome

    We bring together teams from across the globe, and we are experts in working behind the scenes to ensure that any potential difficulty has been carefully addressed. Some people may be a little more shy, some may love the limelight, we’ll make sure that everyone is catered to.
  • 3. Enthusiasm is infectious

    From teams of 10, to multilingual multinationals, everyone at our events receives the same warm welcome, and the chance to participate. We bring our A-game, and we’re ready and waiting to cheer you on.
  • 4. Own up to even the smallest mistake and put it right

    We’re only human, and machines are just machines. If something does go wrong - we’ll fix it there and then, or come back with a better solution as best we can.
  • 5. Be real, be sincere, and enjoy the process

    All we ask is an open mind and a willingness to have some fun. The games and experiences that we have put decades of experience into crafting and curating will help deliver the chosen outcome, you have our word.
  • 6. Help everybody escape their 

    We all need a break sometimes, and that might come in the form of the chance to unwind with colleagues at one of our events or experiences. In that moment, we’re all individuals, unshackled from our jobs or title and ready to be entertained.
  • 7. Nobody ever turned down a well-deserved pat on the back

    We celebrate the little wins, fostering an environment of encouragement and growth, whether that’s cracking the code to the next level of a game or just bringing the party with some seriously fancy dress.
  • 8. Play to people’s competitive streak

    We don’t lecture on psychology, but we know a competitor when we meet one. We go out of our way to make sure everyone has their chance to shine.
  • 9. Captain the ship, towards the outcome

    Rest assured you are in safe hands. Our experiences are well-tailored to take teams where they need to be. Our team has plotted a course (and tailored) your event to meet your desired outcome. If we see an iceberg on the horizon, we’ll navigate you safely round it - your outcome is our destination.
  • 1. Embrace the unexpected

    Who knows what will happen on the night? If and when a dog shows up, we’ll help wag its tail. It’s our job to be prepared for any eventuality and we’ll help smooth out those bumps.
  • 2. Everyone is welcome

    We bring together teams from across the globe, and we are experts in working behind the scenes to ensure that any potential difficulty has been carefully addressed. Some people may be a little more shy, some may love the limelight, we’ll make sure that everyone is catered to.
  • 3. Enthusiasm is infectious

    From teams of 10, to multilingual multinationals, everyone at our events receives the same warm welcome, and the chance to participate. We bring our A game, and we’re ready and waiting to cheer you on.
  • 4. Own up to even the smallest mistake and put it right

    We’re only human, and machines are just machines, if something does go wrong - we’ll fix it there and then, or come back with a better solution as best we can.
  • 5. Be real, be sincere, and enjoy the process

    All we ask is an open mind and a willingness to have some fun, the games and experiences that we have put decades of experience into crafting and curating will help deliver the chosen outcome, you have our word.
  • 6. Help everybody escape their day-to-day

    We all need a break sometimes, and that might come in the form of the chance to unwind with colleagues at one of our events or experiences. In that moment, we’re all individuals, unshackled from our jobs or title and ready to be entertained.
  • 7. Nobody ever turned down a well-deserved pat on the back

    We celebrate the little wins, fostering an environment of encouragement and growth, whether that’s cracking the code to the next level of a game or just bringing the party with some seriously fancy dress.
  • 8. Play to people’s competitive streak

    We don’t lecture on psychology, but we know a competitor when we meet one. We go out of our way to make sure everyone has their chance to shine.
  • 9. Captain the ship, towards the outcome

    Rest assured you are in safe hands. Our experiences are well-tailored to take teams where they need to be. Our team has plotted a course (and tailored) your event to meet your desired outcome. If we see an iceberg on the horizon, we’ll navigate you safely round it - your outcome is our destination.

About Us - The engine behind our team

We’re a close-knit group, and having worked together for many years we’ve grown to know how each other responds to the challenges of keeping your teams motivated. This is the team to swing your teams into action. To find out more about us, please contact us today.

Get to know the engine behind our team.

Listen to the Team Builders Podcast hosted by Team Challenge Company co-directors Stephen Hazley, Gerry Crowley and Jonathan Hazley. In this podcast series, you'll gain valuable insights and strategies on how team building can improve overall team performance.
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Get to know the engine behind our team.

Listen to the Team Builders Podcast hosted by Team Challenge Company co-directors Stephen Hazley, Gerry Crowley and Jonathan Hazley. In this podcast series, you'll gain valuable insights and strategies on how team building can improve overall team performance.
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Our Global Partners

Team Challenge Company is proud to be part of a global revolution in team building and delighted to be the exclusive UK partner of the Catalyst Global Network. As the largest network of its kind in the world, with 50 members operating in over 90 regions, Catalyst Global hand pick only the best team building companies in the industry to represent and deliver their exclusive range of truly innovative and cutting-edge products.
Learn More
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